I Don’t Know Where to Start

I don’t really know where to begin with this post.

It’s inside my head.  Thoughts and ideas and questions and stuff mixed up and rolled into a jumbled mess.

And I don’t know where to start.

Actually, it all started with this incredibly thought-provoking post and these comments on Beth’s Facebook page.

I read it last night.

And I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since. 

You see, I love linky parties.  Actually, I like going to them much more than participating.  I’m not really good about participating.  I just start cleaning up all the Captain Crunch and all the little bits of “freshy decorating” and I forget when to link up to the party.  And sometimes I don’t really think anyone really wants to see my glue-crackled table or my dust bunnies or my Bingo pillows.

Well, okay.  Jen did e-mail me once about the bingo pillows.

But the fact is, even those I usually am not good about linking up, I love to visit.  And I love to host.  I love the camaraderie and sharing and the incredible ideas.  I have been known to spend hours at a linky party.  It’s kind of like being at a one-of-a-kind-get-together thrown by Andy Warhol at The Factory.




And links and links and links of amazing and creative and inspiring.

All in one place, put together just for me.  To pin or look at or Facebook or simply to wonder “why didn’t I ever think of that.”

And just like the famous Andy Warhol parties, I think that is the point of the Linky, to see and to be seen. 

Do you ever feel sometimes, though, that the linky party has gone from a psychedelic color-filled inspiring ride with Andy Warhol to those junky kiosks at the mall? 

You know what I am talking about. 

You’ve seen them. 

You walk by and the people are trying to offer you hand lotion and eyebrow threading and discounts on your taxes or planes that fly around.

Can we be honest here?

Those kiosks just aren’t inspiring.

Most of the time you just run by.  You don’t stop.  You don’t even want to make eye contact.  Because usually the hand lotion stinks, the eyebrow threading looks a little scary and the planes usually break as soon as you get them home.

And the kiosk people are pushy.

And I feel like when I see a spammy comment on a party post or I see the same project over and over and over again or I see links for products that have absolutely nothing to do with home decorating or a link where the project doesn’t even fit what the linky party is about….

                                               ….I’m back at that kiosk at the mall.

But then I question myself. 

I step aside one moment to check my heart.

And that’s where the ideas and thoughts and general jumbled mess come in.  Bloggers have a right to market their blogs and their linky parties and their projects.  This is a big blog world and we are all searching for our little corner. 

Where we can feel special.

Where we can share our projects.

Where someone tells us that they like or blog or what we have created in a sincere and special way.

And I this is when I worry that sincerity and authenticity have become lost art forms.  In the rush to push and promote and shout to the world about our projects and our crafts and our latest finds, we are losing a little bit of what makes our blogs so special and unique.

In a way, we are all looking for our own Andy Warhol experience….

                               ….and too many times we sell ourselves short.

And instead, we find ourselves just settling for second rate hand lotion.

In the mall.

At a kisok.

PS  I want to know what you think of linky parties and spammy comments and Andy Warhol and kiosks.

PSS  I do link up every week to this party.  She’s an Andy Warhol all the way.

108 thoughts on “I Don’t Know Where to Start

  1. (giggle – the self conscious variety) I’m too inexperienced (or maybe to stoopid) to have joined any linky parties. I think I have looked, but I’m not sure. I’m not really a party animal. 🙂

  2. Hey Karianne! I love link parties (you probably guessed that already!) In fact, as a relatively new blogger, I’ve had more views and new followers result from linking up to parties than just winging it on my own. I also like being able to see the other projects that are being offered and I have no problem weeding through all the links to pick out the projects that appeal to me.

    I know there are a lot of bloggers who have a problem with people linking up to multiple parties. It seems to me the bloggers who have an issue are usually the ones who have been around for a long time and have already established themselves. Maybe it was easier to gain a huge following in the days when blogging was new, but now it is pretty tough. There are a ton of blogs and a whole lot of talent.

    I am thrilled with the way my blog is now growing but it took 3 months of joining multiple parties to do it. I’ve also had comments from people who don’t subscribe or follow, but want me to join the parties they love to visit so they can see what I’ve been up to. Who am I to argue with that?! I’m flattered to be invited to join parties, not just by the hostess but by her viewers!!

    Thanks for the chance to air my views 🙂 Have a happy end-of-the-day!

    1. Well said. I think I have a decent blog, but not very great traffic unless I link up with multiple parties. But, I do think there is a lot of stuff out there that is junking up the parties too. I’m not sure what the cure is…maybe just the freedom of blogging and not looking at everything, even tho it is so tempting. Just because something is not my taste doesn’t mean I should be the linky party police either.

      1. I so agree! It’s like trying to read every book in the library! Why should that be necessary? Each blogger should be able to pick and choose to view the projects that appeal to them the most. Trying to read every single post is crazy (in my opinion).

        I don’t expect every “party-er” to view my projects, I prefer that people come because they want more information on a project that they think is cool or interesting. I am guilty of speed-reading at times, I like the pretty pictures :). I don’t always leave a comment either, especially when that silly word verification is in place. I have exactly 6 hours a week to devote to reading and writing blog posts, but I try to participate as much as I can and I try to leave comments that are genuine and heart-felt.

        For all those hostesses – I think you do a marvelous job of your parties. I can only imagine how time-consuming they are and I am in awe of your commitment. Thank you for doing it.

        I can’t believe I’m still commenting on this… Karianne, what have you done?! lol


  3. This is my two cents: I think if you’re going to have a linky party, you are responsible to make sure EVERYONE gets a comment. Even if you don’t leave it yourself, you want folks to feel included. I don’t link to drive up traffic at my blog (though it does frequently happen), I link to be inspired and, hopefully, inspire others, even if it’s only to try their hand at humor. I also don’t link to a bunch of parties, mainly because I’mm seriously ADD and all those little pictures? Make my head swim.

    1. I agree Kirby. I think that if you are going to host a link party then it’s your responsibility to visit all your party guests and leave a comment. Even if what they posted isn’t your cup of tea. A “thanks for showing up and linking up and can I get you a drink” comment …

      I see party hosts saying they don’t have the time to visit all. Well, then maybe they shouldn’t be throwing a weekly party …

      I visited each and every person who linked up to both our link parties. I read their posts and left comments. And if I ‘invited’ someone? They got two visits and two comments …

    2. I understand that y’all would like for the party hosts to visit and leave a comment at each link and that if we can’t we shouldn’t host. Believe me I felt the same way in the beginning. When there were only 100 or so links I could do it and have a life, but when it got in the three hundreds and now four hundreds, I’m sorry we are not super human and do have families and a house to run and some even work outside the home. I so appreciate all who join my weekly party and I do try to look at each link, but I just can’t leave a comment at each one. Maybe if I didn’t sleep.

  4. Wow, Karianne. Now you have me thinking. I’ve been reading the link you gave for Facebook. I sure hope everyone doesn’t feel this way about Pink Saturday because it is supposed to be about sharing fun and things that inspire you – and making friends. It will soon be going on four years.

  5. Here’s my two cents Kari.

    We hosted a fabulous link party together with 3 other gals just last week.

    We didn’t set up any rules at our party – many people linked up, some follow us, not many left comments, some didn’t link back to us.

    Oh well, what’s a party throwing gal to do – just keep on throwing those bashes and hope the drunken people that ate all your food and spilled wine on your carpet don’t show up again!


    1. Okay – I’m going to jump in here – I’m a relatively new blogger (I blogged for two years just so family and friends could keep track of us when we were traveling full-time but now I am trying to build my blog and show others what I do). Yes, I link up to numerous blogs during the week and have starting linking up to blog hops – all trying to build my readership and followers. I work hard to have posts that are relevant to the link parties I join – if I don’t then I don’t join that week. However, when I do link up I ALWAYS link back to the link party – that’s the rules, and I always try to play by the rules! I also try and visit as many others links on each party as I can, I can’t visit them all, but I do try. I also try and leave a comment – just so the author knows I’ve been there. I know how happy it makes me when I get comments on my posts, so I try and return the favor. Maybe some of the parties are like kisok’s in the mall – but every once in a while you will find something that is perfect for you. So, I’ll keep linking – and hopefully, others will visit my blog and like what they see.
      Thanks for letting me add my two cents worth!

  6. I do enjoy the linky parties but don’t always have the time to visit all of them and certainly not enough time to visit everyone who links.If I have a post that’s relevant, I join in. My motto is don’t take blogging too serious. I have to remind myself when I start stressing over it. Everything should be fun, including the parties. Oh, and I hate those mall kiosks things! I know what you mean. And yes, Kim is the rock star of the parties. She’s such a kind person.

  7. Interesting… I tried to link up to as many parties as possible several months ago. But what ended up happening is that I felt bad if I didn’t have time to visit several of the other links to the parties; and I feel like that’s part of the fun. I didn’t want to link and run. Bad manners.
    So now I’ve whittled it down to a handful each week (provided I even have a link-worthy post!) that I participate in. And there are others that I just plain enjoy visiting. I think if bloggers could keep party etiquette in mind, maybe there wouldn’t be those rumblings out there.
    Just a thought!

  8. I’m not a blogger, but I am a follower and enjoyer of quite a few. As a reader, as soon as a blog becomes about parties and not the blog (or blogger), I’m out of there. Reckon that might leave me fewer blogs to follow, but I’m okay with that. I’ve just started weeding out blogs that have taken that path. I only have so much time to spend reading and enjoying, so I’m becoming selective.

    I mean no disrespect — only sharing my thoughts as a reader.


    1. Karen, that’s really interesting. Sometimes it’s really easy to get caught up in the blog community and your posts become more geared to the bloggers who read you vs. the non-bloggers. And honestly, I want my blog to appeal to — and perhaps inspire — non-bloggers. Just like I was inspired by blogs before I joined in and started blogging …

      They are the reason I tackled some big projects in my home that I thought I would have to hire someone to do …

      I need to keep my perspective and priorities straight ..



      1. I’d like to add a little. Many of the blogs I read mention other bloggers and have links to them. I love that. What I don’t enjoy is when the blog I’m following veers towards being primarily about others projects, etc. I am there because I enjoy you and your blog.

        Again, as a reader and not a blogger I’m sure I don’t see the whole picture.


  9. I’m a super new blogger – only since Jan 1st of this year – and I am learning.

    BUT I always link back to the party I am linking to, always leave a comment for the hostess, and try to always follow up with several visits to the party folks,

    Yes, it takes a while. Yes it is the right thing to do.

    As far as my sentiments – am right up there with Anne in her above comment, she says it perfectly, in my opinion.

    I think the only ones that really bother me are those who come on just to sell their wares – I totally understand why they do it, but it doesn’t seem sincere enough for a party, just sayin.

    I have only had a couple of relatively “wow” posts, and I have stretched it as far as I was comfortable – mainly because as soon as I posted it here comes the perfect party AFTER I did………………so I joined a few afterwards when I know I threw it out there too much. But, hey, I love a party, haha!

    Kelly you are hilarious up there, I can imagine that’s how it feels.

    Thing is – I would think if you host a party and post rules, if you see someone didn’t follow them, simply delete the post. Easy peasy. Manners are difficult to teach, but if you stay consistant with that one day – hopefully soon- those who were deleted will learn WHY, and change.

    Anyway, good thought-provoking post, truly.

    New and trying to learn the right way,


  10. I am a little on the fence here and don’t know where I quite fit in. As a newer blogger there are some weeks I go to a lot of linky parties. It depends on the project I am sharing and how much time I have. Last week for example I participated in a slew of them. This week, I won’t be because I don’t have the time to visit as many parties, to thank the hostess and visit other blogs.

    When I do participate though, I always look through the different projects and comment on at least three to five projects at each party. Like real bonafide comments. Nothing annoys me more, as someone sharing a project, is getting the blanket comment from visitors who obviously didn’t even take the time to read my post. And it is obvious they didn’t because of how they worded their comment. Like they may ask a question that was clearly answered in the post – that type of thing.

    But I guess to some who may see my project over and over they are quick to assume that I am out fishing for followers or being a bad party goer. And that is the part that I think is sad – because I am not. I may reconsider where I share my projects at after reading several of the comments on the Facebook link you shared. Even on the internet people are quick to judge and throw people into little descriptive boxes without truly understanding the motivation behind their actions.

  11. Well, you may have opened up a can of crazy here … This will be even bigger than the ‘easy peasy’ controversy of 2011.

    I do link to parties. You could call me a bit of a party whore. Especially if I have a room reveal. Because I worked really hard and want to share. And yes, I do want blog readers. And link parties are a great place to meet and be met …

    I agree that a lot of links are non-links. Or don’t fit the party theme. And it irks me when I get “drive by” comments and it’s clear they did not read a word of my post …

    … and all the “rules” drive me mad. I’m a 48 year old woman. I’ve had a very successful career. I’m a homeowner. I’m a mother. And I don’t need or want someone telling me what to do or how to do it. And don’t appreciate getting snippy emails with veiled threats telling me that I didn’t link up the right way …



    1. I love you Linda! I agree with you about all the rules – for heaven’s sake people!! Is it really that important to you?

      ps I’m a party whore too! Wanna start a club? We won’t have to have any rules… party on dude!! 🙂

      1. Hi – my name is Barb and I am a Party Whore.


        I agree about “the rules.” Just come to my party for heaven’s sake. I would like a link back but if you didn’t thats ok too. If you posted something from last year or the year before – thats ok too. I was raised here in the South that you invited everyone to your garden parties, and even if someone showed up without a hat and party gloves, you welcomes them with a smile and after they walked away you said “well, bless her heart.” 😀

        Rules, smules.

      2. @arewethereyet The link to your blog doesn’t work & I’m trying to follow you… Please send me a link to your blog 🙂

        Link Party Whores Anonymous RULES!!

  12. Ahh, you certainly have a fun way of describing a thing. In July, I will celebrate five years of blogging. I have only hosted one linky party so I am no expert. (I’ve attended a lot of parties, though.) I simply dispatched those people who were, as you so delicately say, just being pushy Kiosk people. Jettisoned them. Didn’t care. As for seeing the same thing around Blogdom…yes, I’ve seen similar projects; however, each person interprets things in his or her own way and I have learned a lot from the echoes. There is nothing, after all, new under the sun. Everything has come from something before.

  13. I have never been to a link party why because I am not a party type of girl, unless I am drunk then of course I am but hell everyone is a party person when they are drunk and some people just pretend to be drunk so they can act all pary like oh maybe that is just something I have done in the past yeah I will do it again in the future I know sad really but some people excuse your behaviour more if they think you are drunk………..you know like rambling on about something that isn’t really the topic but because that is how I am feeling at the time………………..yes like know I know I am rambling but it is a beautiful day and I am feeling much better today………

  14. I think, too, it’s all about the SINCERE comment. I stick to the old “if you don’t have something nice to say…” and I can almost ALWAYS find something sincere and nice to say.

  15. I agree with you, but honestly, some parties are so huge that there is no way that the hostess can visit every one of them and leave a comment. There would be no time left for living! I join one occasionally, but not regularly, I find that usually not many people come over anyways, and I don’t need the responsibility of visiting all or many of the people who have also linked up, I just don’t have the time. I appreciate you and the girls that you joined up with for your parties, for visiting me when I joined it, it was fun!
    I don’t know how you blog almost every day, I don’t work outside of my home and I can’t do that.
    What I try to do, and admittedly, sometimes I fail, but I try to visit every one of the blogs of the people who comment on my blog and when I don’t I feel very bad about it. Which reminds me, I need to go do that right now.
    Have a good day, dear lady.
    Hugs, Cindy

  16. As a new blogger I just started participating in Linky Parties. Exactly two to be truthful, but I really like them. I’ve found several blogs I really like that way and looked at some great projects. I’m not doing it for “fame or money” so I don’t look at the parties from that perspective. I can see where seeing the same projects over and over or people pushing a product can become tedious. I think most people are just having a good time but there will always be those who have an agenda just like in real life. Mean, selfish people are everywhere and they suck. On the whole though I think they are the exception not the rule. They have to live with themselves everyday and karma will work everything out in the end in my opinion.

  17. Yes. I pimped myself out a lot at first. Now that I’m older and wiser, I plan to thoughtfully select my parties. To reflect on the purpose and intention in my soul.

    But I am irritated, aggravated, frustrated, fumagated… no that’s not right..


    with the “i followed you..follow me back please” desperate comments.

    Please don’t follow me if that is your motivation. I’mabuvit. haha.

  18. I try to limit parties I link up to, Karianne. I find sometimes that I don’t get return visits from those that I visit, so what’s the point. It’s supposed to be to get visitors to come over and see your blog. This week my son is visiting so I linked up to one linky party. I don’t have time to visit others through linky parties this week, so I figured why join up if I can’t particpate properly. I’m slowly weeding some out, too. There are just so many and they are all the same now.

  19. Karianne – I totally see where your coming from. I’m a new blogger too (well 5 and a bit months new) and I used to link up to every party I could in the beginning to get traffic to my blog and build up a following. BUT…… It started becoming a MUST DO and I started worrying when I didn’t have a project that week to link up – ‘oh no – Ill lose page views, people will forget me and stop reading’ and it started to consume me.

    I had to stop myself, take a break, get my priorities in order and decide to slow down a little. I made myself realise that it is MY blog, its for ME, if I don’t bring in a lot of traffic that’s fine. My blog is my little corner of the world and its better to have a few faithful, kind and loyal bloggy friends than to have hundreds of followers that I dont know or cant connect with often. (kind of like in real life – right?)
    This all started with your “What does your blog want to be when it grows up” party – it really got me thinking and Im so glad you all did that party.

    I have never had spam or bad comments but I don’t have tons of comments or even a lot of followers.
    And that is okay!!!!

    So now? I select which parties I link up to (sorry other blogs 😦 I still follow tho) And I only link 1 project most times now instead of 2. I don’t feel rushed to get projects done, or stay up at night panicking that I don’t have anything up my sleeve. I would rather post a cool photo and a few words for the day than feel pressured into a long tutorial or something I dont feel like writing.

    Phew a long comment this time….. But basically my point is – I like my little circle that I have found in blogland and I will support my special bloggy friends (esp those that visit me all the time and leave awesome comments) and i will stop looking at the number of daily pageviews – and be happy with where I’m at…..

    Hugs Nat xxxxx

  20. Stupid WordPress…meant that previous comment to reply to Linda’s–but I like you, too, Kari! 🙂

    Yeah, a lot of parties feel like that kiosk thing to me, too. So I have mixed feelings about it. I don’t link up a whole lot, but I link to blogs I truly like. And I only link if I think I have something worth linking, and if I think our blog is a good match for that blog’s audience (or at least a segment of it). If I link, I always look at other projects that were linked, too, and I always leave a comment if I’m thinking of anything nice at all. Because I love it when I get a comment and wish I got more! Gotta be the change you want to see in the world and all that…

  21. Andy Warhol has always scared me. Those cans of Campbell soup all boxed in those colors – eek! And frankly, Kari, I’ve heard your voice over the phone – sweet as peach pie, and find it a bit perplexing that you follow him. But that DOES NOT change how I feel about you. LOL! I think you ROCK!

    Link parties….hmmm. Not feeling them. After 2+ years of blogging. Nope. Nada. Nothing. I’m sure that explains my WHOPPING 82 person following. But honestly, I like people. Real ones. The ones who I can see, and hug and laugh with and email back and forth. Those are the truest and best parties EVAH AND FOREVAH! The DIY blog world has gotten huge!!!

    I have been to some link parties to get started…..and got mentioned on some of my favorite blogs. I proved myself to myself without even knowing that’s what I was doing. There was a creative genius lying dormant and you ALL brought her to life!

    Blogging has windled for me. Because life ebbs and flows…and one day I’m on fire with a spray gun and the next day I’m trying my hand at embroidery and the next I’m in the midst of a great novel (reading it). Creative ADD, I believe.

    When I visit a blog that has linked up 100’s of posts for their party I am overwhelmed. Right now. That’s not to say that next week I’m not redecorating my studio and beginning again and partying along with some of the greatest and creative folks on this planet! How can you keep up with it all, if that is your desire? It’s not mine. Not always. I realize folks have lives and cannot be EVERYTHING AND ALL THINGS here in cyber space or any place else. I wouldn’t expect that of a friend of mine. And I do consider you friends – even if that sounds Pollyanna.

    I believe the question becomes: Why do I blog? What are my goals?

    If I answer these questions with an honest and open heart, I have complete and utter peace! Big peace!

    When I didn’t know who I was or where I was going or what I was attempting with blogging I was a crazy, fried, nut job most of the time! Seriously stressed.

    Now I go where the nice people are.

    (Oh, sorry, this is so long but I keep thinking of things because “can o worms” OPEN.)

    When I began blogging I noticed how kind EVERY SINGLE PERSON was who commented and posted. I would remark to my husband, “”these women are like angels, sweet words, all supportive” Wow!

    Something has changed. A crass spirit has appeared. Is there jealously in the air because some of our sisters have succeeded beyond what we think we are worthy enough to reach? I wonder.

    Good begets good. Negative….well….stand at the water cooler for 4 seconds and you’ll know the answer!

    over and out…………

    ps – Kari, I didn’t read the suggested post above from Beth. But I will.

    1. Ha, ha…I just used the word guffaw in a conversation with a friend, and she didn’t know the word. I thought maybe it was an old slang word or colloquial phrase.

  22. Wow. What a fired up discussion on Facebook. I totally missed them and am glad I did! I actually do invite people to join my party when I meet them through other ones b/c I LOVE showing them off to my group of readers! I would prefer to talk about other projects ANY DAY over my own, but hey, what do I know? Apparently it’s taboo.

    1. No it isn’t taboo – I link up to your parties (one of my go to’s every week). I appreciate what you do and I appreciated your asking me to link up on your site! Thanks!

  23. Well, I’m a little biased since Kim from Savvy Southern Style is my sister. I usually always link to her party because of that and because her party gets a lot of traffic and it brings alot to my blog. She helped me get my blog started and gives me invaluable advice concerning blogland. All other linky parties, are secondary to me. I will link up because I feel I have something to offer that their party represents. I don’t expect the host of the party to email me personally. I love it, though, when people let me know they found me through a certain party. That means they liked what they saw. My favorite comments come from people that have never commented on my blog before and found me for the first time. One thing I don’t like seeing is when people have almost a page of parties listed that they linked to. It seems a bit excessive to me. Almost like they are trying to be popular or something. Do you know what I mean? I link to just a few each week and only blog every so many days in order to keep it fresh. I don’t want to blog just to blog. If I don’t have anything to offer, then I wait until I do. (BTW, check out my post today. You and your sister are in it.)

  24. I am so new to the blog world that I haven’t even figured what a linky party is and how to linky up to it and what the rules are…they sound sort of slinky, kind of like sidling up to a bar in a western movie. Can anyone enlighten me?

    But…I am totally in agreement about the sincerity and the non-artificial authenticity. As I write/blog, I really strive for truth and authenticity. Yes, I want lots of people to read what I write, but for the right reasons. I want to impact lives for eternity. How do I linky that???

  25. Wow! I read through everything and I don’t THINK I’m in there so I felt comfortable commenting! LOL I am a less than 1yr blogger and also link to parties fairly regularly. I do think it is important to leave comments for your partygoers just to let them know that YOU know they were there but I understand Kim’s comment about the difficulty of that. (especially with what she’s been dealing with lately). I have no interest in holding a regular party bc I am already overwhelmed by my life. But I am joining with a few others to hold a one time party and am really excited about that. Those are my favorites anyway bc I have time to think of something I want to do. But I never would have grown even to the small level I am without the faithful wekly party hostesses! YAY to you ALL!
    I don’t mind when people ask me to follow them back and I almost always do unless it’s a blog that I have absolutely NO interest in…..very rare….I like lots of things!
    I agree with one poster who says it smacks of “please be my friend” but it IS difficult to grow a blog and you never know if the person you invite will end up being a faithful follower or bloggy friend. What harm does it do to click Google or Linksy? Many of those really small blogs don’t often post so they don’t even clog up your daily blogroll…LOL
    I remember very well how excited I was when Kim, Courtney, Donna and others commented on something I entered or a comment I made. I guess when you get really large the best you could do is maybe comment of a first or second time poster or partier. I have NO idea how you would know that (sounds like algorithms and spreadsheets would be needed…count me out) but it would be nice if there was a way.
    I have been VERY fortunate to have made some lovely friends along the way and along with getting an opportunity to give an idea to someone out there….I’m content with that. It would be nice to earn money but I don’t really NEED to do that so I’ll just keep plugging along here doing projects and chatting with friends.
    My main goal was to not end up in the looney bin because of my crazy life…..so far, so good…..
    Very interesting discussion……

  26. I just read Beth’s post on FB. Yeah, people are feeling something! There’s an ache in the air. It’s good. I like it. Change is gonna happen! Good, good change!


  27. Hmmm… Ok, here goes. I do… get linky-ed out sometimes. On days when it seems like everyone is hosting a linky party, while there is plenty of inspiration to be had via the links, I feel as if I have NOTHING to read. Blogs are my “stories”, you know – like your gran would have called her soap operas? When there is too much linky it’s like my soap is off the air for the day. And I am not pleased. 🙂 That said I do enjoy one once in a while – but it does seem there are plenty of days where the linky is VERY saturated throughout blogland…. not at all sure if that makes any sense. But there you go.

  28. Whew! Thanks Kim! Wasn’t sure how to reply to this, and you said it perfectly. We are only human. Vanessa and I have spent hours and hours visiting our links and trying to comment. We host a party at our expense to give other bloggers a place to showcase their talents and to showoff other bloggers each week as features, We figured once that we would have to visit over 60 blogs every day seven days a week to leave a comment on each post, since we often run over 400 links at every party. Whew! Not sure how we’d do that plus visit other blogs that we follow plus create our own content, projects, photographs, plus promote our sponsors and connect with them plus administrate our Facebook Page PLUS…oh yeah, raise our children, clean our homes, cook, oh and homeschool…yeah you get the idea. WE LOVE our party! WE LOVE our party guests we try so hard to showcase and highlight a variety of posts from both big and small blogs. I sure hope people don’t think we should stop having it because we can’t make visiting all of our party guests a full time job. Sorry if that offends anyone, we’d never want to do that, but I feel I need to speak to this concern.


    1. Sorry that should have gone under Kim’s comment above, but I will add that I also hope we NEVER come across as a mall kiosk. yikes! We do let people link a variety of things because our goal has always been to have a place where people who blog about a variety of things can feel free to share. I know when I started out I didn’t always have the prettiest pictures or the fanciest new project but I still wanted to connect with others and share my blog. Also we have a lot of party goers that for example are writers, or share devotionals, maybe the sew. It’s not all home decor, etc but we sure hope that our party is still a classy, fun place to be. We take throwing our party very seriously and put a lot of thought and effort into it each week, at the expense of often showcasing our OWN projects and posts. Just want to share the other side of what’s going on at the parties. Oh and we also link up to parties ourselves, so I think we understand pretty well both sides of the issue. If it ever stops being fun, or offensive we will stop having it I’m sure. Hope it never comes to that though.


      1. Heather, your party rocks. And you and your sister do leave comments. And I realize that it’s hard to visit and comment on all. Especially when the party has the # of links that yours does.

        But those starting out might make some better impressions if they spend the time to cultivate those relationships through the comments threads. And authentically. Before they’re faced with 400 links.

        And in all fairness, our party is every other month, so if when we have 285-360 links, we have time to visit all …



    2. Hear hear Heather,
      I really tried to comment on every single link at our Impossible party (over 300) – I did it but was going cross eyed by the end.

      For this Cinch party, I managed to get to almost every single link once again – but needed a stiff drink after!!

      I am only hosting 6 parties this year – you gals do it weekly! Like you said, you gotta squeeze that thing called a life in so commenting on every single link every week seems impossible to me.


      1. Thanks Linda! There is a part of us both that feels so guilty for not being able to visit everyone, we seriously agonize over it because our heart is to make everyone feel welcome and special. So, I guess I feel sensitive about this issue cause we’re just not sure how to balance it all. It’s just become more than we can manage and we had to make a choice so we didn’t have our own blog and posts suffer…as well as our families.haha! 😉 Appreciate you all so much and our blogging community!


    3. Heather and Vanessa,
      You gals work so hard on your blog and I have seen you grow so much since you began your blog! I completely agree with everything you said and your view on your party as a hostess. You both leave lovely comments when I do link up and I so appreciate that you take the time…i would completely understand if you didn’t though, since there are so many links at your party and well, you gotta have a life! I agree with Linda too, that smaller parties could take the time to comment on their linkers.

      Honestly, I can’t seem to find the time to link up to too many parties, so I just link here and there when I can to ones I enjoy….this is making me think about how long it has been since I have been to a real live party…LOL!!

  29. Wow, what an emotional debate. I always appreciate your ramblings and think this is such a worthwhile discussion.

    I believe in genuine, authentic blog interaction. I need to be sure I am representing myself in this blog world in a way that represents me well. I mean, no one can see my charming personality and Caribbean tan in real life so I best be sure my blog and blog interactions are a representation of the real me. 😉

    But no one is perfect and humility is endearing. There is enough success to go around…let’s be sure to enjoy the journey.

    You are a true blog inspiration to me. 🙂

  30. I think this is an interesting topic- {and my thoughts about the FB comments are probably best left to myself } 😉
    All I can do is share my attitude about these sorts of things. There are no hard and fast rules about link parties {besides those the party host sets} or about “trolling” for followers{as mentioned in the FB comments.} So I take it all in with a grain of salt. If I feel annoyed by a comment, I ignore it. If I don’t like someone’s content, I don’t go back. I skim through the less desirable links at a party and assume they are someone else’s cup of tea, while searching for something I find interesting. I know people are usually trying what they have seen before or just what they have thought of.
    I think it’s kinda crazy to get too upset about things like this.
    {Although I feel entirely differently and much, much stronger about negative comments!}
    It was an interesting topic Karianne {and maybe a brave one}!!
    xoxoxo Becca

    Thank you for hosting your linky party!! You are a brave girl and I appreciated having somewhere to link up!

  31. My, my aren’t you the brave one! Seriously, no snarkiness meant, truly!! I must admit I have only hosted a couple of linky parties and ya know what? They just aren’t me. At least not in this stage of the game. I am by no means a new blogger but do still consider myself a neophyte in the blogging world. But I will admit I DO enjoy a good linky party, especially if I am trolling for ideas. And yes when I have worked hard on a project and am super excited about it, well I like to share it… especially if it is something done on the “cheap” or that can help someone else out. (Trust me there are some dear sweet ladies out there who were truly an inspiration to me as young married “bride”…. ladies who inspired me to make my home beautiful without spending a fortune! My MOM and Grandma being my biggest inspirations!!!)

    Oh I lost my train of thought…. well my dear I just wanted to let you know that I truly do enjoy your blog and I am so, so glad that I found it!! (however if it weren’t for a strained ligament in my foot I might actually be guilty of spending too much time reading it but you aided in my recovery for which I am deeply grateful!! it kept me out of trouble… ’cause I did NOT want to stay down!!)

  32. Total party whore here.

    Big whore.


    *But* as a relatively new blogger I feel like excessive linking has been part of the learning curve. Now I’m starting to get a sense of where I belong and it’s helping me be more selective. (Which in turn is giving me my life back 😉

    As for the kiosks, they don’t bother me; I just don’t visit them. There are so many links that *are* worth visiting that I’m able to ignore those that seem a bit… sketchy.

    I will say that the linky parties have really enhanced the blogging experience for me. I don’t know that anyone other than my family would read my blog if it weren’t for them (so I’m profoundly grateful that you nice ladies keep hosting 🙂

  33. I love linky parties and always check out several every week but it seems like there are so many that people just go and add their link and never visit and leave comments. And I am finding I rarely get a comment from the host any longer. I’ve read a few blog post about proper blog etiquette that really opened my eyes and so I have worked on leaving lots of comments and thanking my host, I’ve not seen many others do the same. I’m on the fence as to where I am going with my blog, it’s a lot of work to link to parties. I am considering not putting all the time into it and visiting when I want but not joining the party!

  34. I join 1-3 parties a week, but only if I have something I want to share. I visit some participants who look like they have projects that I would be interested in, and maybe follow a new blog or two. I don’t feel obligated to participate or to visit everyone, I just try to find some inspiration and maybe a little fun!

  35. I have read many of the comments and I am somewhat confused over this entire “situation”…I am what you call a “newbie” to the blog world…

    I gained great advice from seasoned bloggers, which in a nutshell was to be yourself, be genuine, and most of all kind…

    We live in a world where there is so much suffering and unkindness…we need to use our blogs to promote what is truly important and that is to try and put a little sunshine into someone’s life…whether it is sharing a project that gives others an opportunity to create something wonderful without having to spend a fortune…or featuring an act of kindness…It’s all about sharing and CARING….

    Kari, when I discovered your blog, I immediately was smitten…Smitten by the refreshing you presented your thoughts…You can tell a story with just one image…a story from the heart… you can make someone smile each day, therefore, you have accomplished the true meaning of life…to be happy, to love, and to share your joy..

    One of the greatest linky parties is the “Pass It On Project”…..sharing and spreading the joy through blogland…

    So Kari…keep on keeping on…for you are loved…

  36. I love a good linky party! It’s a great way to browse linked projects and find new and inspiring blogs. I don’t mind being invited to join a linky party; I have discovered some great blogs by an invitation. I also don’t mind when someone comments that they are a new follower; however, I don’t like when they say “please follow me back.” I will visit their blog, and if it’s my cup of tea, I’ll follow back.

    Some of the link parties have become huge; therefore, it just isn’t practical for the host to visit and comment on each link; however, I do love to see features from the previous party. My blog is just a little fish in a big pond, and it’s still a thrill to see one of my projects featured.

    We’re all in a different place on this journey in blogland. We need to remember to be kind and treat others as you would like to be treated.

  37. Kari a very, very interesting discussion. Since I have started blogging the Linky Parties have grown so much, like crazy #’s of entrants. I will consider entering and then see there will already be 200 bloggers involved.

    I often think bloggers may tire of my promoting other artist and artisans with their giveaways, however that is my way to pay it forward and it seems 99 out of 100 love to hear about the giveaway.

    Speaking of…I hope you will Come and enter my amazing Cross Bottle Guy Giveaway!You will love it!

    Art by Karena

  38. The COOLEST linky party is being held right HERE in these amazing, clever, sharp comments.
    I have been guffawing to beat the band. Woohoo!

    I often thought that if I ever started a linky party it would be titled,
    “Tell Me What You Think!”

    You’ve done it Karianne!

    Here is my truth-
    as long as linking to a party is an after thought (after I have written a post that is meaningful to me) and NOT the reason I wrote the post to begin with, I do better, and I feel better.

    White Spray Paint

  39. oh boy…what a can of worms! very thought provoking…
    i link when i can to parties i enjoy, but just simply don’t have the time to party that often and to visit with all the other partiers like a nice socialite would do 😦
    hosting parties are so much work…remember when i couldn’t bring myself to participate as a hostess in your parties with girls beyond The Impossibilities…i just knew i would be a less than hostess because it takes up so much time. You are all doing a great job with your “mission” parties though! i don’t know how you all find the time…and i don’t know how blogs with HUGE link parties find the time either?!
    what’s big secret i am missing??? 😉
    I will also add that I am not a fan when a blog becomes all about parties and features, etc., i feel the blog/blogger loses it’s authenticity then…it’s not about their journey anymore. you feelin’ me???? you buyin’ what i’m sellin’?? i think i am very funny…har har!

  40. I’ve been over here twice, Kari to read your post, and then I’ve read each comment. Now I’ve been sitting here looking at this comment box knowing I need to say something but feeling lots of things, Gee, where to start. Let’s see…
    I host a long running party that’s geared to sharing vintage items, ideas, and inspiration. As far as I know there is only one other party like mine and it just started recently. After over a year and a half it’s still not huge, and that’s fine with me. I wanted a place for people to come and share their love of “vintage”. For the first year I was able to personally comment back on each link, now I just cannot and I can’t stay up night after night to do it. I appreciate each one that links up and I hope each person knows that. A link party is for all involved, not just the hostess. I love getting to feature new bloggers and try to showcase newbies and “oldtimers” alike! I join around 15 parties a week, which I really enjoy, but don’t get bent out of shape if I don’t receive a comment from the hostess. We have to give people a break and be realistic in this area. Parties are a great way to find new and interesting blogs and people and gain some inspiration. I can’t visit each entry on the ones I join in either. I think we’re sort of missing the point. It’s a smorgasbord, not a full meal. Are we going to throw the baby out with the bathwater?
    Then I started a link party for people who have Etsy or Online web shops, to link up the items they sell. Good for buyer and seller alike. Blogging is in and of itself somewhat about “self promotion”. Let’s enjoy each person and their blog for who they are, be kind, and leave behind a “critical spirit”. We’re all on a journey of finding ourselves no matter how long we’ve been blogging.
    Have fun, do what you can. Be yourself. xoxo

  41. Great post – we kind of felt the same way, so we decided to make our party a bit more focused than the whats-all of craft, cooking, and creativity. Hopefully it’s being well received since we love hosting! I think we’ll never get as many linkups as some of the big guys because we’re a bit restrictive, but I love that bloggers and non-bloggers alike will know what to expect when they party at our place. Great, now I’m going to be thinking about this all night too!

  42. i’ve been fascinated by that facebook thread too. here’s my take on parties–i generally only link to a party if i think my project is unique in some way or if it’s a rather large project like a room reveal or painted furniture, etc. not all of my projects are party worthy. i made a book page wreath that looked like many other book page wreathes so i don’t see the need to link that up, even if i post about it to share with my everyday readers. i tend to only link up to 4 or 5 parties per project and i select them based on the fit. and i alway follow the rules as a party go-er. i do a lot of visiting too, but i don’t visit every link from every fellow linker upper. if the thumbnail speaks to me, i pop over. i don’t get a ton of spammy comments, but i’m not a fan. i try to comment often, though there are times when i’m too busy to do much more than read in my reader. but i think a comment is a high-five to the author, so if i love the project or the post, i let the reader know. i try to return comments to those who leave one for me because i appreciate the time they took to leave one.

  43. Okay…where to start? I took part in that conversation the other night and was so glad that I did. I am what I would consider “fairly new” to the blogging world. I love my blog…it is my youngest baby! It is so easy to get caught up trying to “keep up” with everyone else when you are fairly new. My blog is growing at a great pace, and sometimes instead of just being happy with that, I find myself thinking, is there something more I should be doing…there is so much to try to keep up with already! I started a Link Party about 8 weeks ago because I thought, everybody else has one, maybe that is what I am suppose to do. The minute I hit publish on my party post, I felt odd…like, why am I doing this? It just didn’t feel like me. I have had over 100 link ups every week, some gorgeous, fabulous, awesome, and some well, if you don’t have anything nice to say… I even had someone link up a picture of their dead cat…not even kidding! So, I feel like one of those drive by yardsales. I hate it. It’s a ton of work to get posted along with features, pictures, emails to people that are featured, and it just hasn’t felt right to me at all. Plus, the same people link the same projects over and over sometimes. I never say anything, and don’t want to be all rulesy (is that a word?) So, I have decided to stop my party. I also am going to pick out the link parties I actually love, and link my projects to them. I want my blog to be a place where people can stop by for a great tutorial and enjoy themselves, maybe even laugh a little. I would also rather not get any comments at all if they are going to be the typical…I follow you, now follow me, or I love this, please add it to my party. I think it’s really important for those of us who are fairly new to understand that we are not going to be a “big blog” right away. There are no shortcuts…it’s a ton of work,and not always rewarding. Do it because you love it, or not at all. I don’t love drive by yardsales, so I am packing mine up 😉

    Jessica @ Mom 4 Real

  44. I am so thankful for linky parties because my blog has only been up since January. If I didn’t have parties to link up to, I would still be writing to my husband and the air. I think it is important to follow the rules of the party host and try to visit as many other links as I can. My projects aren’t fantabulous, but are achievements for me, so I am proud to show them off. I have also found some awesome blogs that I never would have found otherwise. I do agree about the spammers or about bloggers who link up with projects or whatever that have nothing to do with the topic.. That’s just wrong.

    So, thank you to all the linky party hosts out there!

  45. What a thought provoking post! You have presented us with an awesome topic! I appreciate your honesty and courage! Some may get their feelings hurt and others are shouting hooray!

    I made so many blogging foo pas in beginning my blog. I’m not computer savvy and didn’t want to pay anyone to set me up, so I’ve learned as I’ve gone along! I have had so many bloggers be so kind in offering suggestions and helping to send me blogs that helped them set up various blogging items. I remember the first link party I joined took me an hour to figure out how to link back to the host blog! I’m still learning and appreciate the generosity of others in helping!

    I love to look for inspiration whether it’s in decorating, projects, gardening or photography. I love visiting blogs and link parties and try to participate in some. I have watched bloggers I love drop out because they had to visit, comment and participate so often to get followers. They became frustrated, felt it was all about the number of followers and money one spent in projects. It made me so sad!

    I appreciate the bloggers that offer link parties. This has helped me to find those fabulous blogs and ideas that I’ve been missing. I know they do this at their own expense and time. I can only imagine the time involved to comment on each entry. I guess commenting is an individual thing.

    I still don’t profess to know blogging etiquette! I’m still growing. I know I still make mistakes! If I haven’t done something on my blog, one can bet it’s because I don’t know how! I’m on a journey and have been blessed to “meet” so many lovely bloggers!

    Thank you. Karianne, for sharing your inner most thoughts! I admire you! You’re a blessing to so many!

  46. I have mixed feelings about Linky parties. Yes, I participate and I love to browse through the other posts and read ones that interest me. I have found and followed some great blogs that way and made some great friends (some even have the name Karianne). I do find it annoying when people link up for the sole purpose of getting followers and don’t bother to ever follow anyone back. Bad blogging karma.

  47. Very thought provolking post! 

    I’ve read through all the responses and totally get what everyone is saying. As a host of a weekend party that’s gone KABOOM, I can say I feel all those things others do that can’t possibly comment to all… guilt. I’ve actually stated I was debating on dropping my own party many times because of that guilt of not being able to comment, but know what the masses asked for? To keep it running regardless.

    Simply put, it had become a staple in their lives (as in mine) and they’d miss it terribly.

    One comment got to me in particular. It was from a very young blog… she emailed me after a party and said, “I know you were thinking of stopping your party, but I just wanted to let you know before you do, that it was my first time linking up and I’ve NEVER had that much traffic before. I had so many nice comments from your party! That means so much to a small blog, so thank you!! I just hope you don’t stop your party. I really look forward to it every weekend.”

    That sealed the deal for me. I realized it wasn’t really about me after all but it was about you, let everyone know how I felt and how I’d proceed. Accept it or don’t, that was their free call to make just as it was mine to keep it running.


Yep, there are loads of hit and run linkups but that’s impossible to avoid. I just know the mass majority have wonderful intentions, they do visit (I see their comments as to where they’re from… thank-you!) and they bring their personal best to the party. And if you catch my eye, you get a feature on FB and pinned AND a comment! 🙂

    And that’s who I’m doing it for. Thank YOU for help making my blog look pretty every weekend, kiosks and all. 🙂 

    1. I LOVE your party Donna – it was my first link up, too, as a brand new blogger! I get tons of hits from linking there and your theme parties always inspire new projects for me. Don’t stop!!!


  48. I’m totally brand new to this linky party thingy, so perhaps I’m so new that I haven’t noticed all the links that don’t tie in with the topic. I just get caught up looking at all the projects! I have found a couple blogs that I enjoy following through the two linky parties I’ve done 🙂

  49. My blogging experience can best described in one word….Jeanette. I met Jeanette while browsing a linking party many years ago (back when there were only a few parties to choose from.) And while her post might have been considered a drive by.. or not my cup of tea… there was something in her post, something in her profile that drew me in, I commented (I’m I big commentor) and became one of her first followers. Over the next two year we not only left comments, we emailed and even sent each other gifts across the states. We became not only blogging buddies, but we became friends. A year ago Christmas I received an email from Jeanette’s husband that she had passed away that morning. And while I never had the opportunity to meet Jeanette in person (we had plans to meet, but a sudden surgery kept her from traveling) I was blessed to know her. To be honest, I still have her blog up on my blog roll, and I miss her. All this to say, if it hadn’t been for the linky party, I would have never met her… or Christine, Susan, Jane, Wendy, Karianne….etc.

    Linky parties are great places to not only meet new bloggers, but be inspired.
    Inspired to create, breathe, grow, give, decorate on a dime (or dollar), cook a new recipe, share family happenings and I am sure the list could go on and on….
    Thank you to each person who takes the time to host a party and to those who link.
    Because you need both to have a great party!

    dee dee

  50. My thought on blog parties is that they’re fun to participate in, but not so much fun when you put your heart and time and work into creating a project that you’re proud of, link it up, and then you get very few or no comments. If you’re going to host or participate in a blog party, you have to take on the job of making sure that you visit as many of the participants as you can. A good party host doesn’t invite 50 people over and then disappear into the basement to watch a movie. And party goers need to mingle and talk with each other, not just show up, show off, and ignore everyone else at the party.

    I did get quite a few visitors through your “It’s a Cinch” party, but nowhere near all the people that I visited came to visit my blog. (Or if they did, they didn’t leave comments.) I wonder if there are just so many blogs and blog parties out there now that people either don’t have the time to make the rounds, or they just don’t care. Now it seems to be more about linking up to as many parties as possible, rather than going to a couple of parties to make some new friends who share the same interests.

    I don’t mind when people ask me to join their link party because they saw and liked my project. But I won’t join a party if I don’t think my project is a good match for the party or host blog.

    FYI, I think you ladies throw great blog parties, and I’ll keep participating in them as long as I have projects that are suitable. It was your “It’s a Cinch” party that got me off my butt and working on my map letter project that I linked up 🙂 Thanks for that! And I also appreciate that you all made the rounds visiting the party participants.

  51. I love that you ladies have continued this conversation over here, and I applaud Karianne for sharing her heart in such a thoughtful post! I’m talked out on the topic from my FB thread, but I love our niche and I’m glad we can wrestle with these issues together. I want to publicly apologize to any of you if I’ve ever come across as harsh, blunt, rule-mongering, etc. I’m a flawed work in progress and just like you learn as I go. xoxo, Beth

  52. I really just wanna be friends with all of you insanely creative, funny, inspirational, entertaining women! And, I want to muddle my way through documenting my attempts at making my home more beautiful, comfortable, and or functional for me and my family. I have been so amazed since I discovered this wondrous blog world, by the fabulous character and talent of all of you! I am so happy to even be on the fringes of such an amazing club. I also hope that I have never inadvertently offended someone due to my ignorance. Being a new blogger can be intimidating, and I think it’s easy to break one of the “rules” without even knowing it, while trying to carve out a little niche in blogland.
    Love you Karianne!!! You are such an inspiration! Your home, and your posts are so beautiful, clever, and well thought out!!

    1. I agree with you Lisa, I love being inspired by so many wonderfully creative people!! And yes Karianne, you are an inspiration, and so kind and genuine!! As are the ladies that you hosted the linky parties you’ve had like “what I want my blog to be when it grows up” I have decided for the time being to take a break from my own blog, and enjoy reading for a while! I sure do have a whole new appreciation for what it takes to run a blog, and all the work that goes into it!!

  53. I am so glad to see that you ladies continued the conversation over hear and I applaud Karri for her heartfelt and thoughtful post! I am a bit talked out over this topic from the FB thread but I did want to chime in. I love our niche and I think it’s so important for us to wrestle with best practices for how we “do business”. I also want to apologize publicly to anyone I’ve ever hurt, offended, or put-off with snippiness, rules, and my blunt manner. I’m a horribly flawed work in progress and learning along the way like everyone else. I value our community and the creativity that everyone brings to the table! xoxo, Beth

  54. I love link parties too! It’s fun to find new bloggers and marvel at their talent. But it is annoying when you come across a link that is there solely to advertise and gather hits.

    by the way, everyone wants to see your projects. I love them! That sign is gorgeous!

  55. Kari – I have given this post some more thought and here is what I have to say on
    the subject:

    1) I really like your chair above. (it was a chair wasn’t it? I really didn’t read your post that close) I think you should join my Party – “Linky Whores Uncut.” It starts tonight. I have listed ten paragraphs of rules you must follow before you can link. Please follow each one carefully before you even begin to post something or I will send the Linky Police after you.
    2) I followed you so can you follow me, too?
    3) I hope you don’t mind if I copy your post and not give you credit for it.
    You’re the best. xxoo, Barb


    1. Barb you are HILARIOUS! I laughed until I cried at your comment. I want in too!! Don’t leave me out of any of the linky whores parties!!!!!!!! lol


      I promise I’ll follow you (except I think I already do!)

  56. Hello, ladies! I read the FB thread of Beth’s and wow has this subject been talked to death now. OK, so I’ll add my 2 cents, not that anymore dialogue is needed on this topic. Linky parties have exploded the last 2-3 years, as blogs in this niche have exploded. There are good and bad with the link parties. I host several a year with some of my BFF’s in blogland and I know many of you do the same. We have all found our group/tribe and that is a good thing in this bloggy world. I have met so many incredible women in my 5 years of blogging & it has truly changed my life in SO many ways. I love the friendships of blogging, the diverse personalities, all of that. Do I jump on the linky bandwagon? No, I don’t. I host one linky party now continuously, my Thrifty Treasures party every Monday that I’ve been doing for at least 3 or 4 years now. I’ve gotten great feedback on it & I know everyone looks forward to it this time of year, yardsales and sharing their treasures every week. I know why everyone links up to all the parties, I get that, but I do agree that all the parties have become such a frantic thing of linking up to tons of them every single week. I don’t have time to do all of that stuff, but everyone has their own agenda and time to do things in blogging. I love doing my party & then highlighting some great finds the next week and my party is popular, but doesn’t always get tons of links every week.lI do not feel compelled to visit every link up either, there is just not enough time in the day to do that for me. But, it’s fun and I’ll continue to do it. I’ve just gotten burned out on all the parties I see out there, it’s just too much for me to keep up with personally. It begins to feel like hamsters on a wheel to me and that is just not the way I want to live my life nor blog. I know there are as many opinions on this subject as their are people blogging, just thought I’d throw mine in the ring too. Keep on with the parties if you are so inclined. They have their place, but honestly I think they have been overdone over the last couple of years. I really hope the parties slow down and the frantic pace out there slows down that I feel hanging in the air. I’d love to get back to blogging for pure blogging sake and let the rest of it all fall into place. 🙂

  57. I just re-read your post in it’s entirety and I completely missed your reference to your super-duper hand cream with the toothpaste thingy!! What do you mean second-rate hand lotion!!!! and I thought you loved that toothpaste thingy… I’m so disillusioned now…

    and yes, I am still commenting on this post. I don’t want this fun to end!!!!!!!!!

  58. Well, I don’t join all the parties but love looking through the linkys. I choose the ones that are interesting to me or are ‘known’ bloggers that I can depend on having something great to share. I honestly feel there are too many going on right now but then there are hundreds of blogs too. I guess it’s up to each individual to pick and choose, to share or not. I’ve seen so many fabulous ideas and for that, I’m very grateful! Maybe one of these days I’ll be creating some of their ideas. 🙂

    Great subject ~ thanks for sharing!

  59. I have a hard time faulting people in a saturated niche like this one who are trying to find ways to grow their blog. Bigger bloggers who’ve been around forever might just not remember what it’s like to be here – or they had it a lot easier when they started. Still, I don’t love the spammy comments, but if they seem to have actually read my post and aren’t using a form comment that they’re posting everywhere, I can totally forgive it.

    You should link this post up to my weekly party!

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