Dear Book Club

Dear Book Club,

I’m sorry I was late.

I know you weren’t surprised.

I was going to be there.  Really. 

I had my schedule cleared.  I had finished the book.  I had my cute book club outfit on.  I was even leaving my house early.  Truly, I had my keys and I was walking out the door…. 


….and I on my way, I passed by the dining room and noticed that the hutch was….well….how can I put this….




Way too grey for me.

And….I did have a few extra minutes.

So I got out the power sander and plugged it in and started to distress a little of that grey.  Right then and there.  In my dining room….on a step stool….with my cute book club outfit on.

I did get a little carried away. 

I did spend longer distressing away the grey than I anticipated.

But you understand.

I just couldn’t go to Book Club and have a meaningful discussion on “Mara:  Daughter of the Nile” when that hutch was sitting in my dining room all big and grey and everything.

And I knew that you would want my full attention.  After all, I really liked the part about how Mara ended up being a double-agent for the Egyptian government and I also knew we would all want to discuss how she managed to get out of the walled city.

But I also knew I would not be able to concentrate….thinking about my overabundance of painted grey wood.

I know you are all relieved, knowing that the hutch situation has been taken care of.

I’m sure next month will be better.

You see, I don’t really have any other un-distressed large grey pieces of furniture, so I feel confident in telling you….I promise I will be there when the doors open.

Thanks for being so understanding about all this.

PS  Maybe I should have it at my house next month, just in case.

PSS  I am linking this up to Miss Mustard Seed.

PSSS  All photographs of my distressed hutch were taken by RTM Connect.

47 thoughts on “Dear Book Club

  1. Now, dear Karianne. Please repeat after me. “I must, without the slightest failure, meet all of my commitments. I will never take one second away from my commitments.”

    I mean, how else can you be superwoman, the all things to all events, needs and people woman.

    (The hutch would have pulled at my temptation to Mara, too.)

  2. I too belong to a Book Club…I can barely get through the book…It’s because I know i have a month to read it….

    I sit down to read the book…I look up…Oh my that needs dusting…I dust

    I sit down to read the book…I look down…Oh my that needs vacuuming…I vacuum

    I sit down to read the book…I hear the ping of the computer …I have an email….I go

    I sit down to read the book…The Christmas decorations are still in the bonus room. 😦

    So, at least you READ the book…Sanded the hutch…and SHOWED UP to book club…You accomplished it all….a little late..but arrived with a smile on your face and a happy hutch at home….What can be better?…Beautiful hutch!!!!!!!!!

  3. So glad to hear that your hutch is no longer without it’s proper “distress job”. I’m sure you can rest easier at night now. Ha! Looks good.

  4. You know, a “spoiler’s alert” would have come in handy here before giving away the major plot points of “Mara: Daughter of the Nile” …

    I guess I can stop reading now.

    Love the hutch. I agree it was looking a bit too uptight. A bit stressed. Good thing you jumped in to “de” stress it!



  5. Oh, I LOVE Mara! When I taught middle school (about a million years ago), that was one of the books I had students read. That book’s got it all: action, intrigue, danger, romance. Both the boys and the girls liked it. Haven’t thought of it in years…might have to go re-read it.

    Hmmm…yes, this is exactly how I get distracted from my projects…

  6. this is just too funny because I can so relate. It’s got to be fixed and it’s got to fixed right now!!! Drives Bobby G crazy! I used to be such a voracious reader until I started up with my website and blogging. While my computer was down last week, I actually read a book, although not high brow…..just a good beach read, and I caught up on my stack of shelter magazines. I actually almost panicked because I was running out of things to read. LOL……Happy Day to you. xoxo

  7. Now, when you arrived in your GREY (out here in West Texas, it’s GRAY…heh heh)
    dust covered book*club*outfit, did they clap and whistle and slap you on the back. ???

    I LOVE gray….errrr, grey hutches !!

  8. I loved it before the distressing, and I loved it after. The good news is now YOU are not distressed about it any longer. What’s the next book you have to read?


  9. I completely undertand, once you have an idea in your head, it’s hard to get it out. I’ve been fantasizing about baskets from target for my closet for days. I’m jumping out of my skin waiting to go this weekend with the kids since we also need some practical items as well. Good for you for seizing the day!

    I finally figured out how to get your blog in my reader, don’t ask why it’s taken so long! So I am officially a follower now.

  10. I feel like your twin ! I thought I was the only one who got out of bed at 2 am to move a chair that I knew was in the wrong place. This is crazy. Tell me, why couldn’t that have waited until the next morning ?
    There must be a name for this disorder or is it creativity– right now!

  11. Yep, the “just one more thing, before I walk out the door… I still have time” disease! You are so funny! -Love the look of your hutch. Totally worth the late to bookclub status! You DID finally make it there, though…right? 😉 That’s all that counts in my book!

  12. Your dining room hutch is gorgeous in a distressed grey. I understand what you mean, I start doing one thing and suddenly I’m off on another tangent.
    You might have to show us more of the delightful grey dining room with the smocked draperies.
    Hugs, cindy

  13. That’s hysterical. Oh COURSE you had to stop and sand it right then. I totally understand! 🙂

    Thanks for linking up to finding the funny! I’m pinning this to our Pinterest board!

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