Curbside Conversation

Do you ever have a curbside conversation?

You know what I mean….

….you are driving to some undisclosed location….

….minding your own business…..and suddenly…..

….you hear your name.

Trash:  “hey….pssssst…….I’m talking to you.  I know I look like an old window, but, I need to go home with you and become a chalkboard.”

Me:  “How did you know that I needed a gigantic, over-sized chalkboard in my family room?”

Trash:  “Ma’am  (the trash called me ma’am because I only stop and speak to very polite trash) …..I knew a trash spotter when I saw one.”

Me:  “You had me at …..pssst.”

So that’s the story of how a very large, oversized window left behind on someone’s curb became a chalkboard.  And hung on the wall in a very busy family’s living room to keep track of all of their comings and goings (and host an occasional chalk picture or two). 

Now on the other side of the room there hangs an old chippy tile from a yard sale that was calling my name, too.  Are you noticing a pattern here?

That well-spoken yardsale find hangs over pinecone trees and white trees tucked into metal buckets with burlap tags I made.

That’s next to a very simple Merry Christmas banner I made from cardstock, my favorite Christmas font and ribbon.

So that’s it folks. 

That’s the story of how an old vintage window came to reign supreme in a family room filled with yard sale finds.

Note to self:  Never turn your nose up at a curbside conversation.

48 thoughts on “Curbside Conversation

  1. Oh, I love it! & you have a beautiful home.
    I have these “conversations” too, but usually my daughter’s voice is louder! “Just drive mom, keep driving.” 😉

  2. I am familiar with curbside conversations. That is exactly how I found the toy chest that was in my son’s room when he was a child.

    You’ve made some great finds. And, I love the way you used the chalkboard.

    Kari, everything looks just beautiful.

  3. Brilliant! My husband and I are not at all ashamed to be trash picker-uppers (pretty sure that’s the formal term), but clearly we have been driving past the wrong curbs! My neighbors need to get their act together. That giant chalkboard mirror makes the whole room!

  4. I would love to have a curbside convo….but the trash I usually see are old mattresses….never anything good like a great window! Love how it looks as a blackboard.

  5. I love your story! You’re quite the storyteller! I love your chalkboard window! It’s wonderful! Your blog has become one of my faves! Your home is lovely!!! I’ve signed up for new posts by email. Is that the only place I need to sign up? Merry Christmas!

  6. That is one fabulous window you found! It made THE most amazing chalkboard! You have a beautiful home and I look forward to reading your posts. I was so excited to see the comment you left at Butterfly Genes so I hoped right over here to see your new blog!


  7. Cute story. And wonderful find/and/fix. 🙂

    And your Family Room is just sooooooooo beautiful. Be still my heart! 🙂

    I simply must take the time to really look back through your beeeeeautiful blog! Can’t wait to see more,more, more. -grin- Yes Ma’am, I am a nosy Ol’ Auntie.

    But then, aren’t we all? Don’t we all love peeks into the homes of our Blogging Friends? Surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre we do!!! ,-)

    “Heap on more wood!~~The wind is chill;
    But let it whistle as it will,
    We’ll keep our Christmas merry still.”

    ~~Sir Walter Scott

  8. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog. Your home is stunning. I can’t believe that huge chalkboard. What a curbside save! I’m going to look around a little more. Happy Holidays!

  9. I’ve been enjoying your new blog! Welcome to blogland. I’m fairly new myself. Your home is so gorgeous! I like your creative projects too. That is a huge window you found! How in the world did you get it home? It’s cute turned into a chalkboard like that. Love your little trees in the buckets too. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  10. Hi Kari,
    You know, when we bought this old house, the dining room had the exact same window…It was such a beautiful window but sad to say that it leaked…We replaced it with a 3 paneled garden door system… I still miss that window 🙂 What a great chalkboard to keep your family on schedule! Its perfect for the room.
    All the Best,

  11. Hi Kari!
    So nice meeting you! Thank you for stopping by my blog today and for all of your sweet words! I must tell you how much I LOVED this post of yours! I have definitely had curbside conversations!!! EVERYTHING looks wonderful in your room. Your attention to detail (burlap tags….LUV) is spot on!
    Glad we found each other today!!

  12. That’s a family room?! But…but…Kari, what do you do with your family? Keep them tied up so they can’t move and make a mess?! No, I’m only kidding…You have an “eye” for what you can do with found stuff. To me, I’m afraid I just see rubbish, but you’re like my friend Gérome: he takes stuff to the rubbish tip and comes back with more than he took…and then does wonderful things with it! He and his wife have a fantastic gite here in the village, and it has so many quirky features made with his discoveries. It’s a special talent you have. I love the chalkboard idea.

    I’ve just thought – maybe I don’t understand the curbside conversations because they’re in French!

  13. What a find that, super sized window. It was meant for you, not everyone could get such a large curbside find home. Perfect for your vision of a chalkboard.

  14. Your room is so warm and inviting! I love your big window chalkboard, and have also been known to ‘chat’ with polite trash myself. 🙂

    1. I bought the garland for the trees (I bought about 5 garlands because I loved it so much!!!  LOL!)  But my Merry Christmas banner I made from a font called “Romantique” which is similar!   blessings,   karianne

  15. Thank you so much for linking this fabulous find at “What’s It Wednesday”.
    We loved it so much that you were featured! Come on by and grab a button.
    Hope to see you soon!

    1. Oh my goodness!  Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much!  I can’t believe it!  I want to grab a button, but I’m not sure how.  My blog just started.  Can you send me a direct link, or tell me how to do it?  You are wonderful!   blessings,   kariannd

  16. Oh dear, I have had many curbside conversations, as has my husband, that’s why we have so many cool things in our home. I L.O.V.E. that chalkboard!!!! That is brilliant!!! I might need one of those, too. I will be on the look-out for one of those curb-side conversation windows! Luckily we live in a neighborhood of older homes, whose owners are renovating them and throwing away all kinds of wonderful things.
    Thanks so much for finding me, I love your blog.
    Hugs, Cindy

  17. Kari,
    Nothing better then “trash talkin”! The only bad thing is when someone else is driving and you hear that voice pleading for you not to leave them behind and that stubborn driver won’t stop!! Your window, chalkboard is wonderful, perfect in your lovely room!
    Merry Christmas

  18. The window looks beautiful in your room!!
    I am always open for conversation and my husband is too…brought home a nice old table today!! He’s a keeper!
    Love your blog…glad I stopped in from White Wednesday!

  19. Let me pick my jaw up off the floor……your home is absolutely beautiful! I just love your style! You have a great mix of traditional, cottage, rustic & modern. I am envious! Stunning!!! I would love for you to share this at our {Home for the Holidays} party going on now at The Corson Cottage ~ Carrie
    I am going to join before leaving too. So glad I found you! There is tons to look at here. I’m so exicted!

  20. I have a little voice in my head too (not the medication taking kind either) that just insists I stop and pick up random things on the side of the road!

    Once I was picking through curbside castoffs when my hubs drove by and shouted out the window “Just Leave it There”!! He scared the wits out of me but I still managed to secure my haul and speed away.

    Love that chalkboard window and your newest follower.

  21. Made me chuckle, yes, I have had many a curbside conversations. I just didn’t know they were called that. Mine are usually with doors and dressers. I love the huge chalkboard, and what sort of vehicle did that fit in. I love all of your whites.

  22. Your house is beautiful! I love the white….I’m so tempted to paint my living room all white. I’m your newest follower from the Uncommon slice of suburbia party. If you get a chance, I’d love you to stop by my blog & maybe follow along too!

  23. I wish I could find curbside pieces to have a conversation with. Don’t see that much around here. I think everyone hauls there stuff to our local GW.

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