What Do You Want Your Blog to Be When It Grows Up?”

thistlewood farm

Can I be cheesy for just one second?


See….today is about our journey, our vision, our goals. The road less-traveled and all that.

Which can’t help but bring to mind these visionary Miley Cyrus lyrics:

“There’s always gonna to be another mountain.

I’m always gonna want to make it move.

Always gonna be an uphill battle

And sometimes I’m gonna have to lose.

It ain’t about how fast I get there,

Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side….

…..it’s the climb.”
Now I would never pretend that Miley was this generation’s Aristotle or Plato, but she does have a point.
Actually, kind of the point of the linky party today.
Blogging is a journey for all of us.
There are mountains to move and uphill battles to face. But there is great joy in the journey….great joy in the climb.
And this is the day to share what your “climb” is all about.
thistlewood farm
This is the day to tell us what you “Want Your Blog to Be When It Grows Up?”
And I’m not the only one who want to see your goals, dreams and aspirations.
When you link up here, you will be simultaneously linking up at all of these co-hosts.
Cool, huh?
  Party Hostesses
So please join us and link up below.
1. Please link to your goal post, not the URL of your blog. It makes it so much easier for everyone to follow along.
2. PLease do not link up your linky party.
3. Please show the love and visit a few other attendees. You never know what kind of inspiration you may find for your own blog.
4. So grab a button and let’s party on dudes. Please note that because I am a WordPress blog….the links show up on a separate page.


PS  I am Overwhelmed….Overjoyed…Over the moon with the incredible posts that each of you are linking up. 


I think Miley would be proud 🙂

PSS  If you haven’t linked enough and you want to get your linky on a little more….check out the Rooster and Hen’s first Linky Party.

28 thoughts on “What Do You Want Your Blog to Be When It Grows Up?”

  1. Karianne, I just want to let you know I think this is wonderful. I definitely have goals for my blog, and I definitely know it needs to grow up a bit. My blog and I have goals to attain.

    I apologize that I didn’t have time to prepare a post to link, but I was so tired when I got home last night. I kind of crashed into a chair when I finished the Pink Saturday post.♥

  2. This is such a great idea for a blog party 🙂 And the timing couldn’t be better for me, because I just launched a brand new blog today with my friend Victoria 🙂 I’m looking forward to visiting everyone and seeing what their blog goals are.

  3. I will be interested to read all the links, and maybe next week I will have time. Basically I have no goals for my blog, other than to have a fun place to visit with other blog friends and see what they are up to. I have never wanted to make money on a blog because then it is a job, and I am retired. Or perhaps just lazy…

  4. @ #%* ? $>&+ ?#^!..=@ %#*..?!! &^#@!~=+ ;'”:/+#@ $&%<-=+!{=?

    Let me translate for my blog, as it only speaks "blogish"….

    "Thank you Karianne and all, for hosting this most creative party…you come up with the most unique projects in blogland….You make us continue to reach for the stars, and "NEVER SETTLE FOR THE PATH OF LEAST RESISTANCE"…

    YOU MAKE ME DANCE!….xoxo's

  5. Hi Karianne-

    Thank you for hosting such a wonderful event and for your comment on my post.

    You and your friends have the BEST ideas!

    White Spray Paint

  6. When I first read that you were hosting a party on this subject, I couldn’t imagine what you meant. My very first thought was grow up? who wants to do that? I have a little better understanding after reading a number of the entries. Perhaps it has more to do with the fact that everyone needs a few goals. Mine are simple. Write when the mood strikes and don’t worry too much about the rest of the “growing” thing because that’s not why I have a blog, though I understand that it IS why others have one. Always intriguing over here, Kari.

  7. Was I here once today? I’m starting to loose track of what tribe members I hit! If I was here I read the post again, and I’m happy I did. If you have to read two comments by me …. sorry!


  8. hi there my friend!!!! climbing with friends is always an easier way to go!!! : ) i am thrilled to call you friend and have you in my life! sending hugs…

  9. Karianne,
    Thanks for coming by home happy home and leaving me such sweet comments. Thanks for hosting this cool party and getting me to really THINK about my blog. Keep up the great work! Looking forward to seeing what new party idea you come up with next!

  10. Thanks for commenting in my blog. I really enjoyed your blog and your beautiful images. I am working on getting a decent camera!!! Best to you – shannon – TheHomeSmithBlog.com

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