PS I Found You

I love writing this blog.


I think some days I love it more than a hot fudge sundae with whipped cream and sprinkles on top.

More than walking along the beach with sand between my toes and finding the perfect piece of sea glass.

Some days I love it more than finding a yard sale where they are about to close-up shop and it’s hot and the husband is watching the sale because his wife went inside to make lemonade and he doesn’t really care what everything sells for so you score a set of old croquet mallets for $1.00 and he throws in a vintage stool for free because he doesn’t want to haul it to Goodwill.


I love writing this blog more than that.

And that’s a whole lot.

I love thinking about the post all day…..and what I’m going to say.

And how I’m going to say it.

And laugh out loud to myself when I’m writing it.

And then I wonder if you’ll read it and think it’s as funny as I do.

Or maybe not 🙂

But my favorite part of writing my post is when I’m done.

When I think I have said all that I needed to say and just when I am going to click publish….

…..I just have to say one more thing.

Can you say you’re surprised?  Really?  We have known each other for a while now and there’s one thing we can all agree on.  I always have something more to say.

And so I….PS it.

I love the PS.  Post Script.  *sigh*  Isn’t it wonderful?

Just a little extra something.  Between friends.  Free of charge.


PS  I found these by the side of the road.

PSS  Seriously.  Free.

PSSS  Some people call them trash.  I call them architectural salvage.


PSSSS  The best part?  I found them long ago.  Before they were cool.

Before I saw them at Hobby Lobby.

Before they started selling them on QVC.

I’m a trend setter.  What can I say?

Edited to add:  The grammar check totally rejected my over-exuberantly written post scripts.  Let’s just keep it between us and please don’t tell Kirby after she just made the big English teacher announcement and all that.

I am partying at Funky Junk.

69 thoughts on “PS I Found You

  1. I was just looking for some of those. I went to the salvage store here and they wanted a small fortune. I will be checking the curbs.
    P.S. I love your picture. You look like a teenager. 🙂
    P.P.S. You are definitely funny.

  2. You are ahead of your time in the architectural salvage arena. 🙂 And sometimes the post script is the best little nugget… my grandmother was the master of a meaty little post script. She would be cheering you on.
    xo Heidi

  3. I LOVE THEM! Have a box of them in a garage in Maryland. Just couldn’t part with them, but wasn’t ever sure what to do with them. Just hang them on the wall. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…Genius!
    Have a great day! Karah

  4. I just joined this year but I really look forward to getting your posts. They are always very nicely done . By the way I live where there is nothing left by ther curb except the garbage cans LOL. I will keep my eyes open from now on to see if anyone leaves out any architectural salvage out for me to claim.

    PS Thank you for your blog.

    Sandy in Ca.

  5. You know when you’re wandering through blogland and you come across a blog that’s so well-written, it doesn’t even need pictures to be entertaining? They are few and far between…that’s your blog. Reading your posts is like having a conversation with a friend, there’s no effort involved
    And every time I read a post of yours, I feel like commenting. I don’t, because I prefer to stalk from afar :)…but I always relate to what you’re saying….and it usually makes me laugh out loud.
    You are phenomenal at what you do…you deserve much success, fame, and fortune 🙂 (though I know success, fame and fortune have nothing to do with why you write your blog).
    Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful world with us!

  6. I love how you love writing your posts, too. They are always interesting – and fun. So keep it us with as many post scripts as your little heart desires. I promise to read all the way to the very last one.

    Great, great, great roadside treasures. You see, I reiterate, too.

  7. I love these!! Delightful post 🙂 and great corner. I have NEVER found anything curbside, however the only place I go is to work and you don’t find much on the freeway. Wait a minute, there WAS a mattress on the freeway that almost caused a few wrecks…but didn’t. Your posts make me smile and make my day. Hugs, Jan

  8. It’s like long lost lovers coming together after thirty years apart…. Sometimes, that’s what it feels like, this writing of the blog…

    Oh, and the reading of yours.

  9. i don’t use my grammar check… and rarely spell check, which tells me that words like whatevs and pinterest aren’t real?!?!? whatevs.
    ps. you rock.
    pps. i love your blog.
    pps. why can’t i find things like that on the roadside?

  10. I’ve already told you I love your !!!!!!!!! and a well placed PS (with lots of extra S’s) is great too.

    I like reading your blog more than when I found my fab curbside castoffs and tried lugging them into my car while my hubs caught me in the act! Because your blog and remembering that day always make me laugh!

  11. PSSSSS…Back in the Stone Age of Jr. High we always ended a note that you passed secretly down the aisles of the classroom, with “P.S., isn’t he cute?”, and then “PSS, I think he likes you, then PSSS, “you should talk to him”…and on an on..

    So my dear KariAnne, PSSSSSS, as I said have enough material for a book..a song perhaps…just keep it should definitely be in your future…

    By the side of the road?..Great, finds!..My Aunt got me into “antiquing” at a very early age..I would visit her in the summers and on “trash day” in the beautiful town of Coral Gables, Fla, she would rummage through the “great trash”..At first I used to slump down in the seat..hoping no one would see me..but then, she got me hooked when she scored a Tiffany!…I could write a book on her..

    So keep doing what you are doing and making us readers sit at the edge of our seat peering at our computer..and hoping that we don’t choke on our coffee from laughing!….

  12. Love seeing your adorable smiling face up there in the corner…now I feel like I know you just a little better. talking with my hands? yes, we’d probably hurt ourselves if we ever got together, and twirling my skirt? not for a while, but I’m feeling like i might need to do that again. you’re a sweet blessing in blogland!

  13. Just started following you a couple of weeks ago. And I am so glad I did. I love your writing, the ps’s, and the pics. What a great score that was! It’s so interesting to see things that is new in blog land that others have done forever.

  14. I look forward to reading your posts. It is wonderful that you “love” what you are doing! We live in a rural area nothing left on our roads. Thank you…always a great job.

  15. Love the “architectural salvage”. I wish I could find something on the curb like that. And I love reading your blog. It’s like listening to a good, witty friend tell about her adventures. Your love for your blog shows.

    PS. Don’t worry about grammar or punctuation and just keep writing the way you have been. It’s perfect.


  16. I have this beautiful chest that my Dad found on the side of the road in Michigan. He saw brass handles and grabbed it and it was gross! My parents cleaned it up, painted it and shined that brass and now one of my prized possessions! Always love your finds, it amazes me~

  17. I love the whole area by the stairs. I really enjoy your blog. I’ve been following you for a few weeks. You are very talented. I wanted an ! after each of those sentences!

  18. Love that beautiful staircase and the architectural pieces too! Your personality shines like the sun through the blog. Always fun to read what you have to say!

  19. truly inspiring, kerrianne! they look perfect there–now, i need to drag mine up from the basement:) your post shines because of your writing!!

  20. Hi Karianne,
    I not only love your architectural salvage, I love how you have displayed the pieces! I must say – I love your blog. I love how “real” it is, and still lovely and full of advice and how-tos and links to other bloggers. I also love that you finally posted a photo, so we can connect a face to the sweet, inspiring, funny, beautiful posts we love.
    Lastly, I love that you’re not focused on being so big and commercial. One of my past favorite blogs recently has become so commercial there is hardly ever any content that I enjoy reading anymore. There’s always a commercial for a sponsor, a “giveaway” or something else – no more tutorials, not a lot of projects done by her. If that’s what “success” looks like, I’m not sure I ever want to be successful. MEANWHILE, for now, I much enjoy getting your emails and clicking over to your posts to see what’s up.

  21. Your architectural salvage is awesome.

    And so are you.


    Post Script: I can absolutely relate to the way you feel about your blog. I feel the same way about your blog.

    Post Post Script: Oh, and my blog too. I also like that one.

  22. Your blog is so fun to read! Love those architectural pieces! I have loved architectural salvage for so many years, but I have very few pieces because I rarely see them and when I do they are out of my acceptable price range. I’m still hoping to find some more someday. I dream of a giant piece of gingerbread house trim. Those huge ones that I can’t remember what they are called, I think a gable ornament? I really love your blog, it’s obvious when reading how much you love it, too! 🙂

  23. OMG, you crack me up! 😀 I love how you write your posts – you write like how I think, just letting the thoughts flow 🙂 The architectural salvage pieces are awesome – way better than anything you can buy at Hobby Lobby or QVC 🙂 I wish people in our neighbourhood would throw out good trash like that!

  24. Karianne, I’m glad you like writing your blog because I like reading your blog. You always make me happy. Now about finding those pieces of molding. You found them just as they are? If that is true than I think they fell off of a moving van and someone has lost their wall art. Lucky you. I think I’ll have to take a ride today just to see what’s out there lying around. Joyous Wishes, Linda

  25. Hi Karianne… I love reading your blog and I’m find your humor right on point. I think my fav is the fact that your posts are in short story form. They lead your readers down a path to a destination… the actual project. I love it.

  26. Karianne
    Isn’t it wonderful to find joy in simple things?And isn’t it fun to find something new before anyone else ever does? For you cute one I find joy and fun through your discoveries, words and creativeness! Love the little nitch by your stairs, but then I love the stairs too!

  27. Dear Karianne, YES we think it is as funny, and NO we’re not surprised, in fact, we love that about you!
    … P.S. -I am totally jealous of your trash picked arch salvage!!
    …P.P.S. – Ok, and your staircase, banister, seagrass runner, and the fact that your home has such fabulous age and character, fabulously accented by your eye for detail!
    …P.P.S.S.-Can’t wait to see what has been rolling around in your head today for tomorrow’s post!
    Have a great day, friend!

  28. I just found your blog and I love it. Love your writing style. What a great find. I love turning someones trash to my treasures.

  29. You know you make me laugh every day … well, except if you’re being all serious and contemplative and then you make me all serious and contemplative too …



    P.S. Not to get all Kirby on ya, but I think you were getting that annoying spell check thingy is cuz it’s P.P.S. not P.S.S. You know, for Post Post Script versus Post Script Script … right?

    P.P.S. I’ll double-check with the grammar Nazi known a my husband when he gets home …

    P.P.P.S. I am so guilty of the muti-post script script!!! And yes, those are three exclamation points …

  30. I am very glad you enjoy writing your blog and I’m so glad I found it and have read it nearly from the start.
    I love seeing your projects, you are an uber-talented lady! And I enjoy your sense of humor.
    Hugs, Cindy

  31. I love seeing your smiling face in the top corner! It’s so nice to put a face with a name! You’re way ahead in the architectural find department! You know I love them! You have good “trash” in your neck of the woods! I love your blog! You’re one talented girl!

  32. Those are lovely and just perfect for that space. I’m of the “more is more” school of thought don’t really like blank spots. These gems just add the perfect punch to that space.
    p.s. I love the metal sculpture thingy too!

  33. I love your home, your style, and your HUMOR! It sure is fun to pop over here and read the latest! I hope you keep on loving- writing this blog- (I didn’t know how to say that in a grammatically correct sort of way), because I sure do love reading what you write!

  34. Your home is so sylish I love it and I love your blog and seeing all these lovely photos really your home is like something you see in magazines………….

  35. hey, I just found your blog via a post on a blog party that was on a blog in the blog list of Villa Barnes! WOW. How’s that for a long route to get to your blog, but soooo worth it!

    So now we’re best buddies and we’ll visit every day or so, right? And I’ll have that cup of coffee you talked about in this post (well not really cuz I only drink tea)…Seriously, love your blog and am having fun taking a tour of your house and will read every post from start to finish. Your blog rocks!

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