.Who Doesn’t Love a Cookie Cake?

Welcome to the kitchen.

Now….I wish I could tell you that there were yummy smells coming from that freshly scrubbed oven.


Just a lot of “hot dog pot pie.” 

With four children there is always plenty of activity going on in the kitchen…..    

……plenty of glitter and tiny scraps of paper and dried glue and a few cheerios stuck to the floor.

And a complete and utter absence of any gourmet cooking.

Now, don’t get me wrong.  I don’t have anything against gourmet cooking.

I would love it if Giada from the cooking channel and I were best friends.

I just don’t think it’s in the cards.

So for now, I won’t concentrate on what’s cooking in the kitchen.

I’m just going to work on making it pretty.

I’m going to be content with tiny village scenes with oddly under-sized churches and tiny grapevine wreaths (although not so tiny when compared with the churches).

And concentrate on my displays for the hutch in the kitchen with white plates and white platters and a cloche tucked in with plenty of milk glass.

And that iron piece over the hutch that came off of an old house.

Now I’ve got to go.

You see, the academic team is on its way.

And soon they will descend on the kitchen to celebrate their win and eat  tiny little puffed pastries and homemade pumpkin pie cookie cake from Kroger 😉

And really…..who doesn’t love a cookie cake?

PS  If you liked the kitchen, you might enjoy my house tour.

PPS  I’m linking my kitchen to Funky Junk Interiors.

29 thoughts on “.Who Doesn’t Love a Cookie Cake?

  1. Well despite the lack of a tree skirt, your home is still absolutely gorgeous! LOL!
    I love all the soft colors and the openess of the rooms. You have a wonderful sense of humor too which is why I am now a follower.
    thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a nice comment. I’m so glad that I have met you and I’m looking forward to knowing you better.


  2. your kitchen is somethin’ else…just gorgeous and all white and dreamy! love the glitter garland you bought…i am a HUGE fan of bunting. i’m no gourmet cook either, i’d much rather decorate and craft than cook {my poor family}! thanks again for making me laugh…

  3. Just found you and loving your decor and thinking I’m so lucky to have found you… then I see your kitchen and I stop in my tracks with a screeching halt… and think… “Omg I hate her!” YOUR KITCHEN IS BEYOND FAB and I love it… okay, I’m off to read more… LOL

  4. Your kitchen leaves me drooling, with or without the gourmet homemade treats! I just found you today via Mod Vintage Life, and think maybe I should follow! 🙂

  5. Everything is beautiful, dear lady, I love your kitchen! It is a lot like mine. I live in an old house, too!
    Enjoy your Christmas and all the best in the New Year.
    Love and hugs, Cindy

  6. I just had to click the picture of your kitchen at TDC link party! Your kitchen is so beautiful! I love all the room there is for dining table (gorgeous) and stuff, lovely windows too. My favorite is the painted chimney. My parents have wanted to do it for years but haven’t found the courage yet.
    I did not tour the rest of your home yet but will do it now.

  7. I don’t even know where to begin! Your kitchen is heaven. Really. It’s so bright and serene. I could spend a lot of time in there! The hutch is amazing. And I love all the accents you added. Everything is just perfect!

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