A Modern Day Carol Burnett

Blogs are a lot like the people who write them.

Some are serious.

Some are educational.

Some make you laugh until you cry.

Some just make you cry.

I have read blogs and thought….I would love to be their neighbor.

I have read blogs and thought….how intimidating.

I have read blogs and thought….I hope I never meet them in a dark alley.

And then…

                            …..every now and then….

….I read a blog where the writer is someone who makes me smile….someone who inspires me….someone who understands me….

                                             ….in short…..

                            …..someone I would be friends with.


If you have ever met Linda from “it all started with paint,” then you know exactly what I am talking about.

If you haven’t….I’m telling you to walk….no….power walk….no….sprint like you are in the last 100 yards of the Boston Marathon….over to her blog.

I promise you this…..you will not be disappointed.

I mean….she is super crafty (check out her numbered napkins) and talented (check out her chalkboard door) and creative (check out her steps)…..

….and while it’s fabulous to be crafty and talented and creative…..

                       …..the thing that makes her a must-read…..

…..the thing that brought me back to her blog again and again…..

                                              ….is her incredibly witty sense of humor.

Not just courtesy-laugh funny, but side-splitting….belly laughing….snorting-until-your-sides-hurt funny.

A modern-day Carol Burnett.


And the fact that she is one of the best commenters in the history of ever.

For example….I posted about the upstairs playroom and stinky socks.

She commented: 

“My teen son had his 4 teen friends over last weekend … and they played Kinect. Not the bowling game. Track & Field. And I was reminded of why we always kept my brother’s room door closed at all times.”

I posted about my “impossibility” bread making challenge and before and after “impossibles.”

She quipped:

“So, who are your taste testers? Those adorable little girls of your? Perhaps your “blog widower” of a husband (and I’m so stealing that “blog widower” term … and may or may not give Mr. Blog Widower credit).”

I post about this bingo card pillow….

and she said: 

“Now I have to add “make a bingo card pillow” to my ever-growing list of to do’s ……but the list needs to be named “step away from the computer” …”

And lastly…..when I posted about my impossible and had a guest poster discuss the ins and outs of photography.

She said:

“…..one day you can take incredible pictures of the incredible bread you bake! I must pin this for the day I finally get my DSLR … oh, how I covet one! I think I made 13 cents last month from Google ads … so, let’s see, I should be able to afford a DSLR in close to 400 years ….”

And so my incredible witty, hilarious, and genuinely authentic friend, Linda.

Thank you for the laughs and the snickers and the snorts.

Thank you for always making me smile and believe in myself.

But most of all…..

                                   ……thank you for being my friend.

PS  All this humor and creative genius can be found at “it all started with paint.”

PSS  Tell her I said hi!

39 thoughts on “A Modern Day Carol Burnett

  1. I’m always game for a blogger with a sense of humor!
    Come to think of it I get a smile from your posts too!
    Thanks for sharing…. sprinting on over to her blog now…
    dee dee

  2. Yes, I remember her comments and have a great, big, good for the soul, laugh. So great that you have made such a wonderful connection…it does the soul good! Oh, I said that twice…maybe I am being too “soulful” tonight!…Keep up the great posts..you make ME laugh!..

  3. Yes, of course I know the wonderfulness that is Linda, and she is the Carol Burnett of Blogland. However, the “Betty White of Home Decor Bloggers” moniker belongs to me!

  4. She is wonderfully funny..i a sarcastic sort of way…right up my alley 🙂 funny you mention Carol Burnett…just showed my kids (8 and 13) a few videos of the Carol Burnett Show (about a month ago)….the one where she wears the drapes …hilarious….they begged for more…showing my age I guess.

  5. You know how you look through new blogs looking for THE ONE – the one that makes you smile, that you can relate to, that gives you ideas you can actually use and do, that make you look forward to the next post? Well, I just found one of those blogs. It’s yours. Consider me your new best friends.

  6. Ha! I love having friends that make me laugh! I’ll have to check her blog out!. Oh, and can I snatch a warm piece of that incredible looking bread?? (Wow!)
    Have a blessed day,

  7. Just found Linda’s blog! Thanks for sharing. I hopped over and followed. I’d say you’re a pretty funny gal too. You always make me smile.

  8. I went, I looked around, & I’m excited about what I saw. Now I’m one of her new followers. Thank you so much for sharing some snippets from her blog!

  9. Nothing like putting the pressure on for my comment thread comment … Well, I’m not going to be witty. I think I’ll go for wise. Like you are such a wise person …

    …to feature my blog today. Or, how wise of you to recognize my wit!


    I think the wise thing to say here is right back atcha!

    … you know how much I love your blog and our emails and chats …

    Thanks so much for that major stats boost too! Wowza.


  10. i know how fun is she right? funny story about carol…..so I was at a work function with a bunch of new younger set employees and someone was laughing about vicki lawrence – they had NO IDEA who she was….so we tried to explain…’ya know from the carol burnett show’….crickets! no idea who SHE was either.

    what is this world coming to! how old are WE anyway!?! xo

    Have ya heard about the new LINKY FOLLOWERS adventure – c’mon over for a visit (JOIN ME if ya like) & read about it here:


  11. What a wonderful blog!! Lots of inspiration.

    I started blogging in March 2007. Yes, coming up on 5 years. In May of 2007, I did a thorough clean out of the basement and closets and other little storage spots in our house and had a garage sale. I made enough money from the garage sale to buy my first DSLR…a Canon Rebel Xti. I had nice and neat closets and didn’t have to spend a sent more than the money from the sale. Felt good and I had a new camera.:-)

  12. Hi Kari –

    Loved your post – thank you so much for linking it to the Blog Crush party and “getting it” -what it was I was after to be linked up. I have never been to your blog or It all started with paint, but I am so happy that you linked up because both of your blogs are wonderful!! I am looking forward to playing catch up and reading your older posts.

    My best- Diane

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