Imagine the Impossibilites

Goals in 2012.

They are all over the blogworld.

All the goal talk started me thinking.

Should I have a goal in 2012?

Looking for general goal inspiration, I came across this quote by Doug Larson:

“Some of the world’s greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible.”

Now I don’t know who Doug Larson is, but he is brilliant.  How many time have I said, “I can’t.”  “There’s no way.”  “That’s impossible.”


I mean….there might be some impossible things….world peace looks a little impossible right now.  And I don’t think anyone is going to create an SUV that gets 75 miles to the gallon…

….but the rest.  All of those impossibles just might be possible.

So in 2012 I decided, along with five of my best blogfriends, to take the “Imagine the Impossiblities” challenge.

We are challenging each other to do something we thought we couldn’t do.  Something we thought was impossible.  Something that we needed help and advice and encouragement….lots of encouragement.

This is the year….. this is the time…..this is it!

                         I am going to accomplish my “Impossible.”

(insert audible clapping and cheers)

That’s great you say.

So what is it?

What is your impossible?

I am almost embarrassed to say it.  For many of you it is so easy.  You have done this many, many times.

Not me.  No way.  No how.

You see, I am a terrible cook.  Not just an ordinary cook, not just an under-average cook…..but a truly terrible, terrible cook.

If we had time and I had a really good cup of coffee….oh the stories I could tell you.  Stories about “hotdog pot pie” and pancakes that I made like chocolate chip cookies with blue dough goo centers.  Stories about the time I tried to make white beans (yikes) and overly chewable potato soup.  Stories about the time I made roast and took it to gardening club to see if it was done and they told me it was gardening club, not cooking club.

These are necessary facts.  Important to the task at hand because….

… “Impossible” is:  Making Homemade Bread.

I commit here and now, in front of those who I hold near and dear, that I will produce one loaf of homemade bread complete with family testimonials by the end of January.

It’s at this point I can tell those of you who know me to pick your jaw up off the floor.

I’m serious.

Please don’t laugh.

You heard me.

Homemade bread.  The kind you make with yeast (I think).

And I state here on this day, January 9, 2012, I take a solemn vow that

I will do it.


Now here’s the part where you come in… knew I would eventually get around to you 🙂

We want you to be a part of this.

Join us.

Take the “Imagine the Impossibilities” challenge.

(1)  Post your “Impossible” in the comments section.

For example:

* Take on a new project

* Organize a closet

* Use a new type of finish

* Paint stripes or stencil or crackle or silver leaf or a new paint color

* Cook a new recipe

* Sew a pillow or curtain or tablecloth or runner

* Start a new nutrition plan

* Visit a new place

Whatever your “impossible” you can do it!

(2)  Grab an “Impossible” button from the sidebar.

(3) Follow along each week as we all post about our progress and feature some “impossible projects.”

(4) Join us on January 31, for a giant linky party at all six blogs so we can all share our “impossibles.”

I will be posting my “Impossible” along with my blog support group:

Kelly from Eclectically Vintage— purging and organizing 16 years worth of “stuff”
Linda from It All Started With Paint— painting a vaulted ceiling
Stacey from A Sort of Fairytale— sewing a purse
Andrea from The Cottage Market — organizing a craft room
Karah – The Space Between— making a gallery wall using only one screw in the wall

Together we can do it.  We can accomplish what we have only dreamed of before.

So start thinking!

It’s 2012.

What’s your “Impossible”?

95 thoughts on “Imagine the Impossibilites

  1. My impossible, hmmm…I think I just did it with my kitchen table, I didn’t think I would ever tackle it. But I did and it is done. But another one…I have a large old armoire that I have been wanting to do something with for a long time. I just know that it can be beautiful, so perhaps that will be my challenge to myself.
    Now about the bread, one of the secrets is to keep the dough warm at all times. It can’t get too hot or you will kill the yeast and if it’s too cool, it will not raise for hours and hours. So keep it at a warm temp. and make sure that there are no cold drafts in your kitchen when you’re working on it. You can do it, I began teaching myself when I was about 18, I was determined to learn to make GOOD homemade bread and I did it. Now every time I make it, it turns out beautifully and my bread is always 100% whole wheat. I have taught several girls how to make it since then, including my daughter, who made cinnamon rolls on Friday and called to ask me why her dough was so tough. She kept working it until it softened up. Kneading it is also very important.
    Have a lovely day.
    Hugs, Cindy

  2. Quite a challenge – to tackle what you perceive to be impossible. The Lord seems to be directing me to try the impossible this year. To get out of my comfort zone is scary and yet I know growing has its benefits. I have two ideas that I am contemplating-
    trying to get my home on HGTV so it can begin to look as amazing as your does or trying to write and sell a AP Government course. I will think on it today and see which I “might” try.

  3. It starts with bread … next you’ll be moving on to Mastering the Art of French Cooking by Julia Child! Alright … baby steps. I want some of that bread mailed to me (to use as a doorstop)! No really, you can do it!

    My challenge is just as daunting – 16 years worth of “stuff” to purge and organize! Ugh!!

  4. Oh my Dear, how fabulous are you and your friends! Very, I say. Very.

    Super idea. To challenge us to join you, with our own “Impossibility.” 🙂

    Must think. Must ponder. Must muse. Must find the best one. Because, Oh I have oh so many things which I could tackle…. I’m in need of so many *do-it’s* and etc. -grin-

    But then, aren’t we all? None of us is purrrrrect, thankfully. ‘Cause if we were purrrrrrfect, we’d be DONE. And I don’t want to BE DONE yet!!! ,-)

    Must think. Best of luck to all who are already in! Super plans!

    “The early mist had vanished and the fields lay like a silver shield…
    It was one of the days when the glitter of winter shines…”

    ~Edith Wharton

  5. I have already made a list of goals and I think I should add an Impossible to it! Love the idea:) My impossible is keeping our laundry room clean. The laundry room is also the “dog room” (2 kennels, food, treats), and my craft storage room. It’s my goal to have it it tip top shape by next Monday and then a whole year of keeping it organized! Finding a place for everything this week will be an adventure. Thanks for the Impossible idea!

  6. WOW! What a goal! I am going to go with painting and organizing the pantry. What a mess. I love to paint, but that is one room I have refused to do so over the years and it is showing it! Can’t wait!

    Thanks for the impossible, I will conquer! 🙂

    The Three Sweet Peas

  7. My impossible is a little different. Mine is putting God, my family, and my self before work. I tend to get wrapped up in projects and spend my “off” time not actually off. So I have set some goals to remedy this little issue I am having. So far so good… Can’t wait to see how we all do with this!!!

  8. I love it! I have been thinking about the impossible lately, so I’m just going to do it…just dive in. I will do the impossible…I will brave the waters. I have always said I don’t do knitting because I found it boring. Truth is, I tried it once, and I wasn’t good at it. I could figure out the knit stitch, that was easy enough, but to tackle the purl was seemingly impossible. I just couldn’t do it. And you know me, once I put my mind to something, it usually gets done. But knitting…it had just failed me. I even used those sillySo, this month – in the spirit of the impossible, I will produce one correctly counted knit hat WITH ribbing. I might even do two.

  9. What a fabulous idea! I’m in. 🙂 My impossibility – reupholstering. I’ve seen it done all over bloggyland.. and it looks simple enough, but for some reason I’m totally intimidated. However, I recently bought a rocking chair that needs some love for my son’s room. I’m thinking that this challenge will be exactly what I need to get my reupholstering buns in gear. Thanks!!

  10. My impossible will be to redo an old loveseat that’s in sore need of help. It’s now our biggest seat in the living room (after saying a sad goodbye to our sleeper sofa that needed to be gotten rid of loooong ago). We moved it in there from our son’s room and it is UGLY. Blue velvet-sort-of cushions and dark wood. I can see its inner beauty, but getting it to come out will take some doing. I’ve never done anything like this before, so I hope it turns out okay. Thanks for your comment, because I never would have had the courage to join if you hadn’t asked me to come over! 🙂

  11. Oh yes! The impossible dining room redo! I have many impossibles…so I’m looking forward to it! Can’t wait to see all of the other I’m-possibilities!

  12. I hereby solemn pledge to finish and write a blog post about my new, made-by-me bed ensembles in my newly completed sleeping loft. I feel that even just going public with my project has empowered me 🙂 So away I go!

  13. It’s funny, but I’m smack dab in the start of my “impossible”, that of opening my blog up for advertising. I never thought I would or could do it, but I’m pushing myself this year to extend myself and my blog to help other people accomplish their dreams. Love that quote! and I want some of that bread!! xoxo

  14. There are many things that I deem hard to do but not impossible, but I always tell myself they are impossible. I’m with Debra, I’d like to take my blog to the next step but I’m just not comfortable yet stepping out of the boundries. I’ll be working on it.


  15. First, the bread. I know you can do it. find a good recipe and follow the directions “exactly”. I always warm my oven on low then turn it off and let the bread rise in there. My impossible thing is getting my knee surgery. I have been needing it for several years and I am not going to stop until I get it done. Then I will move on to something that I think would be fun, but impossible. 🙂

  16. I’m not laughing about your cooking skills. Anyone who can decorate the way you do will surely bake some awesome bread. Can’t wait to hear about it. As for me, losing 10 lbs would be nice if that qualifies.

  17. wHAT a fabulous idea….there’s nothing like a good PUSH to get us on those projects we feel are impossible. I have two or three things that I need ya’ll behind me, pushing for all you’re worth. :))
    I will surely try to join you ladies. :))
    I also may join TAMMY, above, on that losing 10 lbs. :))

    and, by the way, I would SWEAR there is NOTHING you find impossible to do. !!!

  18. This is such a great idea! I need to brainstorm a little first. Loved your suggestion to do “creating a FB page,” but now I’d feel like I’m cheating since I just did it last night! 🙂 Cheating is frowned-upon, no?

  19. What a great challenge! Hummmm, I think learning more about the computer is a great one for me. I need to learn how to make pages for my blog and a button that works! I need to learn how to take better pictures and not be in such a hurry! I have bathroom cabinets and a kitchen island to paint too. Thanks for the push in thinking this through! Great idea!

  20. I have no real choice about my impossible. A leak in the shower had led to…a whole bathroom renovation. We really don’t like the pre-fab tub/shower enclosures and want tile, like the bathroom had before we got in there and started mucking around. (Now it has no tile…’cause we broke some and…) I always thought tiling was something I couldn’t do. But we’re doing it now!

  21. I LOVE your blog! It’s so cute!! Thanks for stopping by my dining room remodel. I’m willing to take this challenge, but I’ll have to take some time to think about it.
    Good luck on the bread, you can do it!! You should look into a breadmaker 🙂

  22. What a great post! So inspirational! What a fabulous kitchen you have for someone who says they are a terrible cook! I don’t think anything terrible could come out of such a pretty place! I am going to make some beautiful cupcakes as my challenge…complete with piped icing! It is something that I have never done before and I have wanted to do for awhile now! Have a wonderful week! Angie xo

  23. My impossibility project will be to finish the redo in my guest room. This project has been glaring at me for months now. I started it last July believe it or not and it has been at a stand still for that long. There is a lot of painting, sewing, and hanging of bead board wall paper in there and I just need to bite the bullet and get er” done!

  24. I’m a terrible cook too…maybe my “impossible” should be something related to that! After mulling it over for a bit, I’m going to finally get my Etsy shop up and running with actual products in it! This means lots of work to do…creating, photographing, editing, posting, etc. I’ve been meaning to get to it and this is the perfect push to get it done.

    BTW, love, love, this idea!


  25. Okay, you’re on! I love a good challenge! My husband used to say that if someone would just challenge me, I’d accomplish everything there is to accomplish, so thanks to you and your friends for this great idea!

    Here’s my impossible, but it’s more of a scary-what-if-I-fail-and-everyone-knows-I’m-a-failure…. I want to open my own booth space and sell the furniture and home decor that I breath new life into. Yikes, just typing it out loud was a little scary!

    Thanks! – L

  26. A good idea! I’m not that good at setting myself challenges, to be honest…I mean, I may have to actually commit to something!! I suppose my main challenge is to find out all the wonderful things my new Tablet can do, and not just “turn off” when Mr FD starts talking (droning) on about apps and stuff.
    And the other is to start thinking about an Etsy shop – or the French equivalent. Note, I only said “start thinking about”…nothing quite as definite as doing anything about it!!!
    Thanks for the comment on my blog. I love reading your blog. As others have said, in your beautiful kitchen you certainly have the inspiring space to make your bread. Imagine it filled with the aroma of fresh baked bread. Mmmmmmm!

  27. After a day of deliberating over which project I would undertake I finally made a decision……..all will be revealed in good time. I did give you a plug on my blog though. Thankyou Kari, you are unaware of the gift that you gave me but it has been a big one xo

  28. Oh, I hear you! I am a not-so-great cook, too, but I don’t mind baking. I’ve attempted to bake bread before and it is do-able – trust me! I had one unfortunate incident with a rosemary/cheese bread. I replaced shredded parmesan cheese that was called for in the recipe with grated instead. In the same measurement! Not good – it was way too strong with the cheese.
    Good luck to you!

  29. Oh, the cooking disasters I’ve had, it’s a lucky thing I can laugh about them. Your bread will be awesome, eventually. Even the best bakers must have failures sometimes. The kitchen will have a delicious aroma. Best wishes to you and all the ladies.

  30. Ok, I’m joining in! My impossible is drawing! I like to draw but I rarely do and if I do, it is often for a gift. I never draw just to enjoy drawing anymore and that makes me sad. So, I’ll be sharpening up my pencils for this one!

  31. Mmmm…I’ll have to think about that one. I guess my “problem” is that I never think anything is impossible. Now I have lots of things I plan on accomplishing this year – so let me think about it.

    As to the bread….try one of the no knead recipes. Delicious and easy!

  32. My goal is to start my blog. It has been designed since the summer but I keep putting off the start date. It was supposed to be Jan. 1st … Why does it seem impossible? Because I am not a writer or photographer…I am not so good with computer stuff (but I love my IPAD)…I do not know how to link anything or add photos or add buttons or … The list is endless. I cannot pass up a good challenge though. Does anyone know any bloggers in my area who could help me? I sound like such a wimp. 😉

  33. Very Fun idea!!! I’m totally intrigued to learn the ends and outs of photography! I’m excited to see how far my photography abilities can come by the end of January. Being married to a photographer, I’ve spent a lot of years opting out of learning…I’m ready to take on the challenge now and improve my knowledge and skill!!!

    XO, Aimee

  34. Thanks for including me in your post! I believe in you – I think you’re going to do fine. You are all so inspiring for tackling the things you struggle with. Can’t wait to see all the results!

  35. I’m joining in all the fun with you guys and tackling my kitchen pantry. Thanks for the inspiration to dream big this month! Looking forward to seeing everyone’s journeys!

    ~Jess @

  36. I am excited!! I have decided to learn to add beading to my knitting.. I can see endless possibilities to this challenging of the impossible! I’ll be tagging along. blessings ~ Tanna

  37. That is soooo pretty, what a difference! I am terrible about taking pics. I am always half way thru a project and think man I forgot to get a pic of this! Those things hanging above the baskets are really cool! I am planning on redoing my bathroom this year, considering white and gray also. Great job!

  38. i love this idea! it’s getting me motivated and i’ll have to come up with one. for some reason, i did the complete opposite. i thought to myself that every year i come up with a big lofty goal and end up not doing it so this year i set 12 goals, one per month…totally doable and kind of indulgent. balance is good so i’ll get to thinking up one impossible one to balance out 12 others.

  39. I’d like to say “Organizing our mountain of photos,” but that’s just TOO daunting and may have to be next January’s goal! lol. For now I think I’ll take on organizing our books, now scattered in different areas of the house and even some in storage outside, into a library in our under-construction bookcase.

  40. ok, i’ve got it! i am going to paint emmy’s closet doors for my “impossible!” now, keep in mind the rest of the room will not be done, but i have plans for those doors. muah ha ha!

  41. While there are soooo many things that I feel are impossible at this time, I am going to upcycle my 6 year old sofa. It’s a project I have been wanting to do, and this will motivate me to do it! 😉

  42. Wow – you go, girl! Bread is one of those crazy things. My family has made fun of my bread efforts for years! Really, it’s been a running joke at many meals. I’ll be anxiously awaiting your results (and hope you’ll share your secrets). Thanks for your comment about my sectional slipcover. I had high hopes to get some cushions checked off yesterday and today, but here I sit reading blogs and eating a hot dog. Still, I am thankful for the motivation!

  43. OK! AWESOME blog post challenge!

    I have thought about it for an entire week……my impossible – and you cannot possibly know what a big mountain it is for me to climb, is to learn to paint in the style I love you all are doing……the whole chippy chalk paint trash-to-treasure kind of painting.

    I have got to start slow. You don’t understand. My daughter laughed at me and said “OMG, Mom, you can’t even paint a tiny doll house furniture bed right? Here, let me do it.” And she fixed it. And she was right.

    I am SO SO SO impatient there aren’t words for it.

    So I am thankful for this challenge, and I set it before the blogworld, and I am going to TRY.

    Last night i ordered Annie Sloan chaulk paint, wax, dark wax, a brush and a wax applicator. Let’s hope at least getting the right paint and waxes and applicators will help me – it cost more than I anticipated!

    Hope to blog about this challenge and about my success with it. Please wish me luck. I am a horribly lazy impatient painter like words cannot describe.

    Small steps, just tiny baby itty bitty steps……….

  44. You know something…bread baking is something I’ve always been terrified of as well! Baking non-yeasty items is a piece of cake…but bread, that’s another story. I’ve been wanting to make Williams Sonoma’s no-knead bread for a while…maybe now would be the time to try it!
    xo J~

  45. I’m joining the challenge. In fact, I think this “impossible” notion has given me a theme to work with! This year I posted “The List” on my blog <a href=""LaLa Land. These things are a combination Bucket, Resolution, and “I intend To Do” list. Some of them are things I’ve always considered to be impossible, such as the one thing I’m declaring I WILL DO this year, loud and clear to the whole world: Complete a 13 month Healthy Lifestyle program, wherein I WILL lose 30 to 50 pounds.

    I am confident that I, along with everyone here will achieve our own impossible! As Cinderella’s fairy godmother said: “because these daft and dewy-eyed dopes keep building up impossible hopes, impossible things keep happening every day!

  46. I’m so overwhelmed with “impossible” tasks I can’t even figure out how this works, but I’ll bite! My “impossibility” is taking the 1000s of little trim and tassel items and making inspiration packets so they can find a home that will appreciate them.

    It’s just a sorting task, but overwhelming in volume. They have already been moved from Texas to Vermont to California. I think that is enough travel.

    I’m following so hopefully I can focus enough to figure out when and where to share.

  47. I’m always up to a new challenge, I just have trouble getting my husband on board! I’ve posted a list of my house “wishes” on my blog. Hopefully I can get all of these accomplished this year… and a few more!

  48. It’s hard to comprehend bread as an impossiblity but each of us is unique. I bet you can do it! I’m thinking…I’ve thought of one, painting my ceiling fan but it’s SCARY! Plus I need the hubby’s help. I’m pondering….

  49. OK, I’m in! It took me a week to decide on what was possible over here 🙂 It never hurts to have a deadline, so now I better get after my big organization project! We made it through the first step yesterday. Thanks for such a great, inspiring idea.
    Cheers, Andrea

  50. YOU CAN DO IT!

    I can make an amazing pizza dough from scratch.
    But, that was in an industrial kitchen.
    At home, bread made me nervous…

    Then I tried it.
    You know, it wasn’t bad.
    Even the first attempts.

    Here’s a link to a Cinnamon Fruit / Raisin Bread.
    Pretty simple. Tasty.

    Meanwhile, I’ll be off finishing over here Our Jimmy John’s Kitchen!
    ~ Dana

  51. Wow, I have a few impossibles but know that I won’t get all of them done. Focus. Focus. Focus. Okay, my impossible challenge is some I M P O S S I B L E “pony” walls between my living room and entry way that are just plain awkward and I don’t know what to do with them. But I challenge myself to do something with them!

  52. Ok I figured it out! My impossible is changing a car tire. The thought of ever having to change a flat tire scares me. So by the end of the year I will know how to change a tire! Also use hubs tools. By the end of the year I will not be afraid to pull out his tools if I want to be crafty.

  53. This sounds like it will be so much fun! My “keep putting it off” daunting project is to clean out and organize my pantry. Funny, because it isn’t even a very big one…lol!

  54. I may have bitten off more than I could chew. You see my impossibility stretches beyond the month of January, but your challenge has inspired me, and I’m sticking with the spirit of it anyway! Check out my progress, or lack of… LaLaLand

  55. I have never been great at sewing. I have always wanted to make my children a quilt. I now have 6 children. As my children get older this impossible desire has become greater. This year I figure if get one done then that will be a great jumpstart to my dream of girting my children their own handmade by mom quilt.

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